Explore creative ways to encourage your kids to "eat the rainbow" while enjoying colorful fruits and vegetables.March is National Nutrition Month, and with St. Patrick's Day approaching, it's the perfect time to teach your child about healthy eating with fun, rainbow-themed snacks and activities!Let's Eat a Rainbow!With St. Patrick's Day just around the corner and rainbows everywhere, here's your teachable moment to talk about Nutrition with your child and how they can eat a rainbow everyday! ... Read more...
Search Results for: label/Nutrition
How Do You Get Kids to Try New Foods?
10 Ways to Encourage Your Kids to Try New FoodsHere are a few quick ways to encourage your child to try something new at the dinner table!We have many ideas for your in our Little Hands that Cook with Books Lessons on The Educators' Spin On It. We encourage you to check out the following activities with your child. They will encourage your child to learn about nutrition, encourage them to try new things, and be a great cook in the kitchen with you!It is also ... Read more...
Little Hands that Cook with Book: Let’s Talk Nutrition
March is National Nutrition Month! How are you getting your Plate in Shape with your Family? I know we all struggle with making sure our children eat the right things. We're working with our daughter to help her learn that half her plate should be filled with fruits and vegetables every meal. We're teaching her about the MyPlate Guidelines. We just finished our Balanced Eating Fun Series with Little Hands that Cook. Have you finished? How did you do? What is the biggest change you've ... Read more...