If your kids are fascinated about bugs like mine are – then it’s time to host a How to Host a Bug Playdate!

How to Host a Bug Playdate
We went to an awesome “Tot School” play date all about bugs. The mom had different stations for the toddlers to rotate through all about bugs! The cupboards had posters of all different bugs and bug facts.
We have been practicing bug names with Nicholas, so he was able to identify most of them in English and Russian.
How to Host a Bug Playdate: Learning Stations
The kids had such a blast, that I wanted to share with you the stations in case you wanted to host a bug day for your kids or even a small group!
1. Observing Nature, The kids went on an adventure into the backyard. There were several live beetles and bugs pre-hidden for the kids to find. We also lifted up a rotting log to observe the insects hiding underneath.
2. Literature station – find the bugs in the book and talk to the kids that insects have 6 legs. The kids all loved the book Ten Little Ladybugs by Melanie Gerth and Laura Huliska-Beith, And, although I LOVE the little Snappy Book collection as most kids I have read to just think pop-up books are neat but, I have found that these books are not the most accurate. One of the pages shows a bug with 8 legs and it is NOT a spider. This collection has such bright colors and clear pictures, that I still think they are good books to have and read with kids.
3. Art and Fine Motor Connection: Drawing bugs on a large chalkboard. Using an upright chalkboard or easel helps strengthen their wrist muscles so they are better prepared for more accurate letter writing.
4. Science connection: Observing at the stages of a beetle. (My son LOVED this and kept saying “Zhuk” which is Russian for bug over and over again)
Extend the Learning at Home:
And, as a take home kid, each kid brought home a Mexican Jumping Bean, complete with instructions and a little home. How cool is that. Well, both my tot and my 5 year old are in LOVE. We have now had Beany (his new name) for 4 days and the kids have carried him around everywhere.
If you are looking for a pet, this one isn’t too bad. It has all the food it needs in the bean, only needs a bath once a week and doesn’t need to be walked!
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How fun! My daughter loved books from this Snappy series. So do you raise your children bilingual? We really failed very badly here with that 🙂 Thanks for joining WMCIR!
Wow! What a fun playdate! My 2 boys LOVE bugs so this would be right up their alley 🙂