Making your own instruments can be so much fun with your little ones. All you have to do is save your snack containers to make an instrument! Eco-friendly and fun for everyone!

Make your Own Instruments for Babies & Toddlers
It’s so important for babies and toddlers to have music in their everyday lives. With some of your child’s favorite action songs you can have some fun with making your own instruments for shakers.
We found all sorts of containers over the past month to save for our musical instruments. Baby snack containers, soda bottles, oatmeal containers, popcorn treats, chocolate milk you name it I saved it from our holiday parties.
You need to use caution and make sure it’s a container that will stand up to a little one exploring it.
Grab your containers and let’s get started!
I used beans and rice from our cupboard to fill the inside to make the shakers. If you are doing several containers use a variety of materials inside. It’s great practice in auditory discrimination to listen and try to see what’s inside the various containers. Some other ideas for materials are beads, bells, or pebbles.
Just a reminder to make sure you seal the container with hot glue or tape to avoid any spills or choking hazards and have adult supervision at all times with any homemade toy.
(Avoid using kidney beans as they can be dangerous if consumed uncooked.)
I used some wrapping paper to decorate our Musical drums and shakers. I cut the paper to fit and then covered the entire container with packing tape, contact paper would work too. Just to make it more durable and kid-friendly.
I love how bright they turned out with very little effort. A great spot I find fun paper at is the Dollar Spot at Target!
If I was having my Toddler, Preschooler, or school-aged child make it, I would let them decorate it with stamps, stickers, and coloring or painting them before I covered them with contact paper or packaging tape.
Here are some ideas for DIY Instruments for School Ages!
Fun Activities for Homemade Musical Instruments
- Shake It Varying the speed and also how you shake it
- Roll It Roll the containers between your hands or on the floor for a different sound
- Drum Fun Using their hands or an object like a wooden spoon or drumstick practice hitting it
- Match my Sound Fast or slow have your little one copy you with the sounds you do or copy them
- Stack it Using the containers have fun arranging them in various ways
- Dance Time Hold the shakers and dance to music
My daughter was so excited when she woke up from her nap to play with these today. She took lots of her time shaking them and hitting them but she also stacked them up and arranged them all over the room. So much FUN!
Since we used containers they also become stacking toys, great for gross and fine motor skills and visual discrimination by learning about sizes.
The best part is that we made these for almost no Money, they were all things I had lying around the house.
I can’t wait until big sister comes home from school so that we can play our instruments with her during Family Jam Time! This musical instrument activity with the containers is great for any age, especially when you’re looking for something for Sibling Playtime .
If you’re looking for more ways to use Reused Materials, check out how we used the Lids from veggie & fruit pouches! Don’t forget to RECYCLE your containers when you are all done playing.
Hope you have fun with your little ones! Musical Fun should be a part of EVERY DAY!
Check out more of our Baby Time Activities here!
How adorable! she really enjoyed it, and I’m sure other kids will enjoy this too. Thanks for sharing! I will definitely try this with my little one someday, it was really fun and creative.
Thanks Tami for sharing! I'll find more to submit to you too!
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Thanks Brooke for providing Monday Madness! This activity really does work for all sorts of ages, my littest one is obsessed with containers right now which is why I decided to make them now. I love the paper too! Gotta love Target's wrapping paper in the Dollar Spot!
I love how you've made them coordinate, and I also love your activity suggestions. My kids who are older would still enjoy these. Thanks for sharing on Monday Madness.
Thanks Robyn! She had so much fun stacking these too. I love how children can take toys to a whole other dimension when you give them time to explore and be creative.
Lovely post- I especially love the pic of baby girl stacking the shakers on the window sill
Thanks Leeanne! She had so much fun! Big sister had just as much fun when she got home from school too!
Look how happy your little angle is playing her tunes! Great instruments!