Getting our children involved with cameras can be such fun. Here’s a fun photo game for kids created by one of my creative friends, Beryl Ann Young, who teaches about photography to moms like you and me in her Momtographie Online Course. She’s joining us today on The Educators’ Spin On It to share a way to get your kids involved with using a camera with a fun game.
Here’s how to play this engaging photo game with your child.

Photo Game for Kids
During my time as an elementary school teacher, one of my favorite parts of the day was teaching an after-school photography club. The kids would come to me tired after a long day and immediately their faces would light up when I put a camera in their hands.
Our activities would range from simply taking pictures, to editing them, to playing fun photo games.
The activity I want to share with you today is a favorite photo game you can play with kids whether it be with a large group or just with your family.
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Photo Storytelling Game!
Here’s what you’re going to need:
- Random collection of photos
- A small ball, bean bag, or plush toy
- Journal/Notebook and/or recording device (an adults phone would work with a voice recording app)
I like to start off by setting the stage for the activity with a book. We love reading my book “Phoebe the Photographer gets a Camera“. It’s an inspiring story of a little girl who falls in love with photography and it will get kids excited to use a camera.
After reading, you’re going to need a handful of random photos in the following categories: People/Animals/Toys, Places, Objects, Textures, Actions.
This is a great opportunity to go out on a scavenger hunt and snap photos that fit these themes OR if you have photos already you could create a folder on the computer OR search through old printed photos to find gems you already own.
This process may take a bit of time so feel free to do this part one day and then play the game on another day.
Once you’ve collected the photos, one person (an adult, most likely) will be the Story Creator. The Story Creator will stack or arrange 10 photos secretly and at random.
The other people playing will be the Story Tellers. Use a beanbag, ball or stuffed toy to pass around indicating who the current Story Teller is.
The Story Creator will present the photos one at a time. The Story Tellers’ job is to make up part of story so it corresponds to the photo being shown. As the photos change, so will the Story Teller!
Want to uplevel your activity? Use a mobile phone or tablet to voice record the story as it’s told, so you can listen to it later. Or having someone record the story in a notebook as it’s being told. Then you can create a photo book of the story later on that can be printed and shared!
I guarantee giggles because these stories typically end up super random, silly, and fun!
BUY the new book! Phoebe the Photographer: Gets a Camera
Love this photo storytelling game idea? Looking for even more Photo Activities to try with your child? I’m Beryl Ayn Young, Photo Mom & Mentor and I love teaching moms and their kids how to love their photos and their life. “Click! A ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Guide For Kids With Cameras” is my completely free resource for you — with 5 fun photography activities you can do today with your kids. Get your copy right HERE. (
While you’re thinking about photography I do highly recommend checking out her Momtography Online Course. It would be such a fun way to learn and grow over the summer with your photos while the kids are home and on vacations. I know I need more practice in talking my DSLR off auto and really using the features for what they were meant for on my camera.
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