Do you worry about what’s appropriate for your child to watch on TV or visit Online?
As a parent who is concerned about available TV and Online options for my children, I opted to participate in this sponsored campaign by
Let’s be honest, TV and Online options are changing pretty fast for our families. Our children are exposed to so many more options than we were as children. Do you feel like you’re keeping up with the latest shows, movies, games, sites to keep your child digitally safe?
Parental Controls When Grandparents are in Charge
Today’s grandparents face so many challenges with this newest generation too . I’m sure our grandparents probably said that about us as kids in our Nike “Just Do It” generation. But with newer options coming out all the time, it’s hard for parents and grandparents to keep up with what’s appropriate for our kids.
My in-laws are amazing with my kids. They live with us a portion of the time when they are here from India. My girls know just the right buttons to push for grandpa, or Dada Ji (as we say in Hindi) to turn on the TV or let them online. With TV controls you’re not familiar with. it can get a little complicated to just turn on a TV and get to the right channel.
But there have been a few times when I leave them in charge and come back to find a show on that my girls are not supposed to watch. Some cartoons seem innocent until you really watch them and listen. Or a movie title that looks kid friendly on the DVR turned out to be not so much.
Do you really pay attention to what programs your child’s watching?
Having controls set up to limit those shows should have been my first step as a parent. Don’t get me wrong it’s nothing hugely serious, but we do try to limit what the kids watch so it’s age appropriate for both the 4 and 8 year old.
We won’t even talk about when big brother, age 22, is home from college and what he’d rather have on TV. We do take advantage of our DVR with the kids too. But knowing that there is another level of parental controls available makes me sleep a little better at night.
Parental Controls for Online Safety for Kids
My 8 year old is started to have assignments where she needs to research online a bit more and I must admit it’s a bit scary knowing what she may come across on the computer with an innocent search gone wrong. has tips for online software security tips so I can be sure that she doesn’t stumble upon inappropriate images adding a layer of protection to online activity.
For additional information about the security software your local cable company provides to keep families safe online, you can visit your company’s online customer support page.
Cable Puts You In Control
Cable offers easy to use parental controls for families to manage their TV and online experiences. at discover tools and resources that enable you to choose, educate and control the media and online content that is appropriate for your household.
Cable offers something for everyone. Choose to make safe and responsible decisions.
TV Parental Controls
TV Ratings
Help your child make the best use of technology, information, and media.
Media Literacy for Parents
Understanding Online Risks
With cable you are easily in control of your child’s television and online experience.
Online Parental Controls
Online Software Security
The Cable Impacts Foundation is working hard to spread awareness and keep parents informed about these issues. Visit today to discover tools, tips and educational resources for both television and online parental controls. Go now! It’s too important to put it off another day.
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Disclosure: This is a sponsored post by NCTA and All opinions expressed are my personal thoughts and concerns.
I think this is an important lesson children need to learn both from parents and even teachers when they start encouraging online assignments. It's important that children know to be careful online and for parents to be supervising those moments. Great tips from this article. Thank you for posting!