A collection of STEAM Activities resources for interacting with little kids in a simple, but meaningful way.
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SIMPLE & FUN Activities for STEAM Preschool
STEAM: Preschool Activities for STEM Enrichment is a collection of 30+ Hands On Minds On activities to compliment and enrich existing preschool curriculum along with downloadable printables for easy data recording. Read the 5 star reviews here.
FREE E-Course Classes with STEAM Activities and Tips:
In addition to our e-book, STEAM: Preschool Activities for STEM Enrichment, we have also collected our top tricks and tips for incorporating STEAM into your preschoolers every day. Click the pictures or the words below for each lesson and academic challenge.
Each STEAM activity includes pictures, a material list, and easy to follow directions for completing the activity with a preschool child.
Consider doing one challenge each week for a time period of one month Doing one challenge each day for a period of one week, for a simple and fun STEM activity week!
Here’s more info about each challenge:
SCIENCE ChallengeTECHNOLOGY ChallengeENGINEERING ChallengeART ChallengeMATH Challenge
Watch or Listen Learn with the following STEM video discussions:
In addition to the challenges here on the blog, co-author Jamie Hand and I have met weekly to discuss
- Our tips for teaching science, technology, engineering, art, and math into our preschoolers daily lives.
- Our favorite toys and supplies for each content area.
- How the STEAM activity challenge went with our preschooler.
- And our favorite activity extensions.
These videos can be watched at any time. Feel free to play them in the background while you are folding laundry or doing dishes in the evening.
Take notes on ways that you want to change your daily routine or materials you hope to add to your play area for even more STEAM enrichment in your child’s life.
- Introduction to STEAM and ScienceĀ Technology to Enrich Learning
- All About Preschool Engineering
- Increasing Art in Every Day
- Making Math Fun and Meaningful
To make it even easier to keep STEAM actives on your mind, we have made this simple STEAM activities printable to hang on your fridge or set near your kids activity supplies. Check off the activities as you do them!
CLICK here to get your printable STEAM activity checklist.
For even more Preschool STEAM Activities, check out these books – Now available on AMAZON!
STEM Activity Books For Parents, Teachers and Care-Givers:
My book STEAM: Preschool Activities for STEM Enrichment with co-author Jamie Hand is the #1 book for preschool and kindergarten on Amazon.com. It was designed for busy parents of preschoolers to download and pick one activity every day for 5 weeks. Most of the supplies needed can be found in your pantry. The activities are easy to prepare and fun to do. Read more about the book here.
How do YOU incorporate STEAM into your preschoolers every day?
Such great ideas! Thanks for sharing them at the #laughlearnlinkup!