Our Spin On It:
How amazing is this? Kids learn so much by experiencing new things. Their vocabulary is strengthened, their experiential knowledge grows and they are able to explore the unknown with the support of a loving, guiding parent. Both Kim and I try to challenge ourselves to try new things with our kids and have found some things that we really enjoy and others that we do not! All kids learn differently and enjoy different things. Sometimes as parents if we extend our field trips, book choices, and learning activities beyond what we usually choose or do, our children benefit in so many ways!
What can you do? Not everyone is up for a 52 week challenge =0 Don’t worry, you can start small and plan just one or two new things to do this month with your children. It can be as simple as doing a new science project or as large as planning a day trip. Your children may even be able to help you plan these new adventures!!!
Are you great at trying new things with your kids? That is wonderful! Maybe think about how to encourage others to join you in your adventures? I know that my neighbor wasn’t as confident visiting new places by herself with young kids, but more than happy to go along with a friend. By giving her a quick call and asking her to join us, we were able to share the adventure and double the kids were able to experience these new experiences! Are you in a moms group? Maybe schedule an “out of the box” play date to a new place or to try something new with your kids. We’d love to hear how you have been inspired by Danielle!
For more Snapshots of Parenting with Purpose
Introduction Post
Wonderful idea! I found you via UBP12 and now following via GFC. LOVE your concept of educating and parenting. I come from a household of both parents as teachers AND farmers. Parenting and education go hand in hand!!! I'd love for you all to stop by The Vintage Milk House! Have a great weekend! – Kali
One of the greatest things about being a Mom is watching my girls experience things for the 1st time. Their loves are full of firsts on an almost daily basis. It is awesome. I LOVe the 52 week challenge because it is celebrating doing new things together. What a lovely way to get kids to try new things, think outside the box and grow as people. Fabulous! That Food Pantry idea (& photo) warmed my heart – great job Danielle!
This is a wonderful series ladies and I look forward to seeing other stories.
Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas
Thank you for doing this! Love the idea of the 52 week challenge. Pinning this because I know lots will be inspired. Vicky from http://www.messforless.net
That is SO true =) I brought my camera to Elly's school for their first ride on a school bus and took a picture of all the kids getting on for the teacher. It would be neat to have our kids write a journal of their new experiences throughout the year!
52 new experiences is an awesome idea! Of course, they don't all have to come from home – I am sure my daughter has plenty of brand new experiences (for example, her first field trips) in school.