Do you have a little one at home that you are having trouble thinking about what to give them as a gift? I’ve been looking around our home with 3 kids and am noticing that as you have more kids it gets harder and harder to find the perfect gift for Christmas and Birthdays. I already feel like we’re swimming in toys here at times. However I want to give them something they will remember and more importantly use often.
I figured you might be in the same situation too so I’m sharing a few alternatives to toys for gift ideas, perfect for Grandparents to give too.
Unusual Toys to Give to Kids
I was recently asked by a friend what I would recommend as my Favorite Unique Gift for kids.
It made me start thinking about what to give to give when you don’t want to buy a toy for Christmas or a Birthday. I came up with a few things to choose from.
Gifts to Give that are Not “Just Another Toy”
- Shared Experiences {Museums, Movies, Horseback Riding, Ice Skating and more}
- Craft Supplies
- Science Experiment Supplies {Steve Spangler
would be my first choice}
- Books {Barefoot Books would be my first choice}
- Outdoor Play Equipment {Playground Accessories, Little Tikes, or Step2 }
- Child Sized Rolling Backpack or Suitcase
- Boxed Montly Program like Little Passport or Kiwi Crate
We’ve been going on a few weekend getaways recently and I have to say that my favorite toy to bring is my 3 year old daughter’s Rolling Backpack. She calls it her suit case. This thing keeps her occupied no matter where we’re at. Home, Restaurants, Play dates, Airplanes and even at Hotels. or Ages 1-5 one of the most Unusual Toys would be a Toddler Sized Backpack with rolling wheels.
Our Toddler Backpack has traveled the world literally and figuratively in the walls of our house. I love seeing all three of my kids with their creativity in the things that they pack inside and the destinations they choose. Plus it works perfect for weekend getaways when they want to pack their own things.
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Child Sized Backpacks or Suitcases
Here’s what I’m talking about backpacks
look how cute they are! And think of the variety of ways a child can use them.
This Holiday Season consider purchasing items for the Holiday or Birthdays that are Open Ended in the way that they can be used. And as you’re upwrapping items from boxes think of the adventures and creative ideas they can do with just them. Boxes truthfully are some of the best gifts for young children.
For more ideas on what to bring on your next trip:
- Tips for Packing a Travel Activity Bag
- Traveling to  Hotel with  Baby
- Traveling the World with Kids from your own home.
Traveling with Kids
We have a whole Pinterest Board on Traveling with Kids where we pin the most up date ideas for traveling with kids. Wishing you safe travels on your Holiday Trips this upcoming week!
My 3 year old brings her to school pretty much every day too, can't imagine our day with our our little handy dandy backpack. Thanks again for the opportunity to help contribute to My Kids' Adventures. Will be submitting my request asap to contribute to the fun site!
Thanks Natalie. What special thing would you pack inside?
Thanks again Kristin for asking me to contribute to the list, so many fun ideas on there. Looking forward to working with you again in the future.
Thanks for contributing to the My Kids' Adventures article, Kim. I love your rolling backpack idea. When my youngest was 3 he got one for Christmas and took it to school every day when we picked up his older brother. He loved feeling like one of the big kids. Great memory. Great gift idea.
A suitcase is a great idea, especially if it's packed with something special at Christmas time 🙂
Hi Kim! Thank you so much for sharing our article at My Kids' Adventures! I love your suitcase idea. My kids love to "pack to visit Grandma" (even when no trip is planned). It's one of their favorite things to do!