It’s a great time of year to play and learn with snowmen! Here are 3 fun & easy snowman vocabulary activities for preschool. Try them during after school playtime. No snow? Make a pretend snowman with felt!

Snowman Vocabulary Activities
Time needed: 5 minutes per activity
Materials Needed:
- Snow
- Snowman Book
Activity 1: Using words to describe concepts of size.
In this activity you will need 3 different size snowballs.
- Explain to your preschooler that words can describe the size of something.
- Make or point to the head of the snowman. Explain that the head is BIG.
- Have them point out the difference in sizes
If you have time, put yourselves in order from big to biggest kid!
Activity 2: Action words>
In this activity, your preschooler will perform or pretend to perform the action word.
- >Say the word.
- Demonstrate how the action would look like. Encourage the child to join in.
- Repeat steps 1-2 for each word.
- Call out the words and have the child make the action.
pat, scoop, roll, push, smooth
Activity 3: Make a sentence
Young children may have difficulty forming a sentence when asked. This playful activity encourages children to practice orally creating a sentence, meaning – they put the two main parts together out loud. No writing is involved.
Explain to your child in simple terms that sentence are made of two parts. The subject, meaning who or what the sentence is about. And what that subject does (or did). In this game one person gets to pick the subject, the person, animal or object.
- They say the selected subject out loud.
- The other person gets to finish the sentence by describing what they are doing.
Child: The snowman...
Adult: sits on the hill.
Even More PLAYful Preschool Snowman Activities:
Snowman Literacy Activities for Preschool:
Snowman Mitten Match Alphabet Activity by Growing Book by Book
Snowman at Night-Preschool Craft by Capri + 3
Snowman Math Activities for Preschool:
Snowman Peg and Count by Rainy Day Mum
Snowman Sensory and Creative Exploration Activities for Preschool:
Make a Snowman from Things in the Kitchen! by Powerful Mothering
Melted Snowman Painting by Learning 2 Walk
Build a Snowman Indoors by Mom Inspired Life
Baked Cotton Ball Snowman Craft by Still Playing School
Build a Snowman Creativity Prompt by Raising Lifelong Learners
Snowman Snack Ideas:
Snowman Snack Ideas by Fun-A-Day
Amazon Affiliate Links
Snowman Literacy Connections:
In this story little Nell is told she is too little to help. She heads to the forest to play with her animal friends. They work together to build the Biggest, Best Snowman. Take away: Working together with others, you can accomplish big things!
The ever popular mice, Clayton and Desmond join forces once again to create the biggest snowman ever in this adorable picture book for young children.
A simple rhyming text to tell the story of everything needed to build a snowman of epic proportions!
Fun ideas here for building literacy skills — especially working on size words. Thanks for the great ideas!
I like the idea of lining children up b size using big, bigger and biggest. That way, all children are 'big' and do not have to worry about being the smallest or shortest.
I love these activities for building vocabulary. My son would really enjoy acting out the action words!
I just love the big bigger biggest image!
Oh, I love how this activity builds the language skill!
Such fun ways to build language skills!