I am excited to share with you the newest line of PLAYSKOOL toys designed especially by consumer feedback. That’s right, parents like you were seeking toys that can travel with the kids.
“I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Playskool. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation.” This post contains Amazon affiliate links.

As a parent to 3 kids, I’m always on the lookout for toys that are not only engaging and encourage tech-free interactions but also that pack well for on-the-go and can easily find a place to store on my shelves. I feel like baby and toddler items are SO BIG! My house was easily getting taken over and about a year ago I went on a donation spree. Anything we were not using was donated to the church nursery and local preschool.
But my little guy still needs some of these toddler toys. And last month I was feeling bad that my baby number #3 didn’t have a shape sorter. I’ve owned at least 3 over the years but they are so bulky to store that we just used them with my older kids and passed them on.
He is right at the age where he can and should be sorting shapes on his own. I thought about making my own… or buying one, then…
I was offered the opportunity to review this new line of products with you! My house NEEDS toys like these that fold up and store easily and I wasn’t disappointed.
Read on to hear more about this new line up!
New line of PLAYSKOOL toys!!!
I am over the moon excited to share with you the newest line of PLAYSKOOL toys designed especially by consumer feedback.
- lightweight
- portable
- lovable character designs
- engaging
- entertaining
- let playtime happen anywhere!
That’s right, parents like you were seeking toys that can travel with the kids during transition time.
The all-new line of adorable, storable, and portable toys!
Heading to the park for a picnic?
Throw this one of these super cute toys into your diaper bag. Open it up, and set it on your picnic blanket. Let your baby or toddler play and learn while you set up lunch
Traveling to Grandma’s for the weekend?
I can attest to a loaded car; diapers, pack-n-play, stroller, suitcases. This new line of PLAYSKOOL toys save on space, helping to make even the most hectic schedules more manageable. These toys easily slide into any small open space!
Off to a doctor’s appointment?
With three young kids, I sometimes feel like we are visiting them quite often. Skip the germy office toys for your little one and pack one of the cute character toys in the diaper bag. Let them practice their fine motor skills and activate their senses while you wait.
Follow along to see more families using and playing – use the Hashtag: #PlayskoolOntheGo
What the critics aka the kids thought of the new line of PLAYSKOOL toys
As you read earlier, I loved this new line of toys for their adorable characters, portability, and storability, but the true test really comes down to the critics, also known as the kids.
Do these toys keep the interest of my busy, active family?
YES! My toddler couldn’t wait to open the Kitty Cat Pop-Up Shape Sorter. After a few attempts, he had the sorting thing down and was putting the shapes in, then turning over and taking the shapes out.
When we were done, I showed him how to close it up and store the shapes. Although designed for parents, I am a strong believer in teaching children how to care for their toys and develop a responsibility for their learning environment from an early age.
At 2 years old he was able to play for 20 minutes, then store the toys away, and get ready to go on our next adventure.
And adventure with kitty we did. Pop Up kitty has traveled underneath our stroller to the sand park (he needed a wipe down when he was done playing – both the kitty and the toddler).
Kitty also went with us to the doctor’s office, where the pediatrician oohed and ahhed over it
1. because it was cute.
2. to try get my toddler to warm up to her and open his mouth.
I was a little worried that we wouldn’t get so much play over this toy because my son was 2 1/2, but the reality is that he is IN LOVE with it and has played with it for several hours (combined) over the past 2 weeks.
*** Parent tip: As with all toys, when your child becomes less engaged, store it away for a few weeks and bring it back out at a later date. It will be “new” again and your child may show more interest in it.
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