Are you looking for a sweet, yet simple way to THANK the teachers at your child’s summer camp? This has been our favorite Gift for Summer Camp Teachers.

Thank you Gift Ideas for Summer Camp Teachers
In my experience, summer camp teachers range from student volunteers to professional teachers. Although you do not NEED to give your summer camp teachers anything – It is a very sweet gesture to let the people who have cared for your children all summer long that you appreciate them.
What to Give A Summer Camp Teacher? Try on of these Gifts for Summer Camp Teachers
Gift Cards:
Sure a gift card to an ice cream shop or coffee shop is a great idea. But what happens where there are several camp teachers or counselors that work with your child? This can add up and take a big chunk out of your family budget.
Hand Written Note:
My go-to teacher gift is truly a hand written note from either the parent of child. It is the most personable and meaningful in my opinion.
Want to sweeten the thank you up a bit?
Salt Water Taffy:
Salt water taffy’s are a great summer treat. They are also bright colored, liked by many, and are a bulkier candy (meaning even if you buy a small bag, it still feels like a nice sized gift). Salt water taffys are also a break from the traditional chocolate teacher gift.
Another added bonus is that they are a seasonal product and often seen as a symbol of summer!
Last, but not least, they are a sharable treat. If you have a team of summer camp teachers or counselors, you can give them a larger bag and address your thank you to the team.
My kids like to stop by Fresh Market to pick out the salt water taffy for their teachers from the bulk candy bins. I hand them a small plastic bag and let them choose away. I think the biggest bag that my eight year old JAMMED as many in as she could was only around $3.00 (pictured above).
Then comes the best part – the BOW!
MOST, but not all, floral sections of stores will let you have one of their bows for your gifts at no extra charge. Ours asked us if we wanted the small or BIG bows for our packages. You can, of course, see that my children chose the biggest ones possible. She even helped the kids tape the bows to their packages. We added a hand-written thank-you card and were set!
The Reasons Why I Try To Give Gifts to Summer Camp Teachers
As I wrote earlier, you shouldn’t feel that end of the summer – summer camp teacher gifts are needed. I personally like to say thank you for adults who were influential in my child’s life.
For me, it is also a time to teach my children how to show gratitude. Gratitude is being able to say thank you for an experience or gift that you have received. Gratitude is taking the time to notice the little things that made our lives better in some way.
No matter what you decide to give your summer camp teacher – make sure you at least give them a BIG SMILE and say THANK YOU for spending the summer with your child.
For more teacher gift ideas, we recommend
Thank you teacher for helping me bloom.
Teacher appreciation gift ideas
Back to school crafts and gift ideas
Tips for how to Thank Summer Volunteers