Create a giant color wheel collage with your kids! A fun, hands-on art project that encourages sibling teamwork, creativity, and color recognition.
I LOVE when kids are busy collaborating with each other on big projects. This particular activity encourages kids to look for colors in their papers, magazines, and craft closet materials and glue them to a GIANT color wheel collage.
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GIANT Color Wheel Collage
Learning Objective: Children will work together to represent the color wheel using a variety of craft materials.
Ages: toddlers, preschool and grade school children. Making this activity a perfect craft project for siblings!
Art vocabulary to discuss:
Complementary colors: Colors opposite each other on the color wheel. When mixed together create a grey. When used side by side create the most contrast. In the traditional color wheel, the complimentary color pairs are red & green, yellow & violet, and blue orange
Adjacent colors, also called analogous colors sit side by side on the color wheel. They are considered harmonious when used near each other. Yellow & yellow-orange,& blue & blue-green, red & red-orange.
Materials Needed for Giant Color Wheel:
- Large White Paper
- Permanent Marker
- Washable Markers
- Craft Feathers
- Stickers
- Construction Paper
- Kids Scissors
- School Glue
- Old kid-friendly magazines.
Directions to make the GIANT Color Wheel Collage:
1. Draw the largest circle possible on your paper.
2. Portion it off into 12 sections. Draw a small circle in the middle. Have the children color the middle in with markers.
3. Write the color word on the very outside of each section.
4. Provide a variety of materials from your craft closet. Encourage children to cut small pictures from the magazines. Add these items to their appropriate places on the color wheel.
5. Continue adding small pieces until the entire wheel has been filled.
Educators Tip:
Depending on the size of your color wheel, this may be a project that you leave out and work on for small bits of time over a few days.
Raising Creative Kids:
Crafting has a LOT of benefits for children. One being that it activates a part of our brain that thinks creatively. Crafts are a great way to pass the afterschool time in an educational way.
Pre-made kits are great for days when you need a little inspiration to get crafty. They also make fantastic birthday and holiday gifts. Here are the three that my daughter has been eying.
Shhhh… don’t tell, she may be getting one for her birthday next month!
Want more? Get our list of Colorful Rainbow Books for Kids.
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