Laundry piles on our sofa, aka, the “family closet.” The clean plates still sit in the open dishwasher just waiting…
The kids, are totally unmotivated to help. (me either – if we’re being honest) I’m all about routines, but when we’re in a funk, something has to change!
Here are some Ideas for Making Chores FUN!

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Teaching children to take care of their belongings and be part of a team is essential. We have found that teaching kids to clean up is a BIG TASK!
Some Tips that have Helped us with Family Chores
- Make it a family effort. Clean rooms all together. This encourages family bonding and team building.
- Change up the routine. Let the kids choose what they want to clean one week, you assign it the next. Have a prize ready one week for the person who picks up and takes care of the “mystery object.”
- Write a list of chores that each kid can help with. Get their input on what they feel confident doing. A 3 year old’s list will look very different than a 8 year olds list. Folding wash cloths verses starting a load of laundry is one example.
- Make routine chores such as unloading the dishwasher and folding clothes part of children’s every day routines. They may be required to complete their tasks after breakfast every morning for example. Our kids are not morning people, so they complete chores after afternoon snack time. After a few weeks of parent reminders, they now automatically start cleaning when the time arrives.
BUT… there always seems like a time when we get to a point that we need to bring a little FUN into our chores.
You know, when the sofa becomes the family closet.
Sometimes, just a small motivation can do big things for family morale!
Here are some ideas for making chores fun!
PSST – If you like fun and easy ways to get kids excited about learning – you’ll love our new book!
Ideas for Making Chores FUN!
Ideas for Making Chores FUN! – #1 CLEAN & BUILD
Materials Needed:
- Plastic Bags
- Chore Cards
- Small Building Set
- Select a small building set. Open the box. Take the instructions out.
- Divide the set into 4 or more parts.
- Set these parts into small plastic bags or envelopes.
- Attach a chore card to each.(I just put the cards in the bags. The kids could take the card out, finish the task, and return the card to receive the bag.
- Hand the building instructions to your child. Explain that they can complete a variety of chores to earn part of the building set. (See Pictures)
NOTE: I always explain that chores are expected, but that every so often we all need a little motivation. Today’s activity is a TREAT, do not expect it to happen every week as cleaning is part of our family responsibilities.
Ideas for Making Chores FUN! – #2 MYSTERY CHORE
Materials Needed:
- Chore Cards
- Bucket, basket or hat
- Print the chore cards.
- Fold each in half and place in a bucket.
- Have members of the family draw a “mystery chore” from the bucket and complete the task.
- Repeat until all chores have been completed.
Ideas for Making Chores FUN! – #3 ASSIGN IT!
- Chore Cards
Teachers give tasks and now your family can too. Draw a chore card and give it to the person you think would be best for the job (the kids LOVE this one!) The only catch is once you have a card, you can’t get another one until everyone has received and completed their chore.