Learn some simple tips for making crepes with kids. We’re exploring the world with food, this time we’re headed to France to make delicious crepes.
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Our cooking travels have brought us this month to France!
Although your average French family is probably more apt at flipping crepes than we are – the delicious flat-like pancake is a fantastic treat to make with kids and worth a try – even if you are not an expert at flipping.
When cooking with the kids, I try to choose recipes where they do most of the work (including the cleanup) With crepes, there are many opportunities for measuring adding, and mixing ingredients. (Real-life MATH!)
Since my kiddos are 3 and 6, I still am in charge of the flipping or flopping in my case.
Either way – pretty or not, they sure turn out tasty!
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Making French Crepes with Kids
We brought the globe out to find France and talked about how European countries have influenced each-others cooking, as the French crepe is very similar to the modern Russian bini (same flat pancake rolled around a beef and onion mixture)
The History of Crepes
This also brought out a great discussion about how ideas travel now and in the past. (love mini history lessons in the kitchen!) We talked a little about the history of the crepe.
The history of crepes is a long and winding one, with many different cultures claiming to be the originator of this delicious dish. However, it is generally accepted that crepes originated in Brittany, France, in the Middle Ages.
At that time, crepes were made from a simple batter of flour, water, and eggs, and were cooked on a hot griddle. They were often served as a simple snack or breakfast food, but could also be filled with savory or sweet ingredients.
Over time, crepes spread to other parts of Europe, and eventually to the rest of the world. Today, crepes can be found in a variety of different cultures, and are enjoyed by people of all ages.
Here are some fun facts about crepes:
- The word “crepe” comes from the Latin word “crispus,” which means “curled.”
- Crepes are often served with butter, sugar, and lemon juice.
- Crepes can also be filled with a variety of sweet or savory ingredients, such as chocolate, ham, and cheese.
- Crepes are a popular breakfast food in France.
- Crepes are also a popular street food in many parts of the world.
- The world’s largest crepe was made in France in 2017. It was 1,000 meters long and weighed 10,000 kilograms.
The recipe that we use is in Annabel Karmels cooking with kids recipe book (I’m a big fan!), but there are more ideas here and here.
We just did the classic white crepe, but there are also fantastic recipes for a wee bit healthier and different-tasting crepes. I think we will try a buckwheat version next!
Here are a few of the tools chefs use to perfect their crepe making skills. We just used what we had on hand, but I can imagine if you make them often the crepe spreader would be so handy.
How to Make Crepes Videos for Kids
There are quite a few videos on youtube about making Crepes. Here’s a few that I felt the kids would find helpful to follow before you get started making your own crepes at home.
Here are some fun Picture Books about Paris that your child might enjoy as they are making Crepes!
Picture Books about France
Every good recipe deserves to have it followed up by a great book from that region of the world! Here are some sweet stories that are based in France for your child to enjoy.
Fun Facts about France for Kids
While you’re learning to cook Crepes and read books about France, here are some fun facts about France to discuss with your child.
- The Eiffel Tower is the most-visited paid monument in the world.
- The Mona Lisa is the most famous painting in the world. It is housed in the Louvre Museum in Paris.
- The French invented the croissant.
- The French are the world’s biggest consumers of cheese.
- The French national anthem is called “La Marseillaise.”
- The French flag is blue, white, and red.
- The French national animal is the rooster.
- The French capital city is Paris.
- The French language is spoken in 29 countries around the world.
- France is the world’s largest producer of wine.
- The French Riviera is a popular tourist destination.
- The French Alps are a popular destination for skiing and snowboarding.
- The French are known for their fashion and cuisine.
French Recipes and Activities for Kids
Would you like to join in this month in France?
Check out the other participating blogs for plenty of wonderful ideas.
- Lazy Man’s Chicken Codron Blue – Adventures In Mommydom
- The Eiffel Tower Art Project – Creative Family Fun
- Cheese Gougeres, chocolate fondue and Gateau au Yaourt – Domestic Goddesque
- Ratatouille Recipe – Here Come The Girls
- French Crepes – Juggling with Kids
- Simple Apple Gilette – Kitchen Counter Chronicles
- Ile Flottante – Mermaids’ Makings
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