It’s easy to forget some of the classic crafts of yesteryears. Making your own bookmarks from old cards, leaf pictures and sand art are some of my kids favorites. These activities have been done by many parents and teachers for many years. Why? Because kids LOVE them!
Have you brought glue and paper outside to the sandbox yet for some fun sand art? If not, today is the day to have some outdoor fun and learning!
Sand Art | Outdoor Fun and Learning
Materials needed:
- Sand
- Paper
or Card Stock
- School Glue
It’s craft projects like these where it may be beneficial in investing in the refill 1 Gallon Jug of glue.
1. Bring the paper and glue outside.
2. Let the kids make any design or image they want to with the glue. * Squeezing the glue is a great fine motor strengthening activity.
3. Lightly poor sand on the top of the glue image.
4. Gently shake off.
5. Set on a table to dry. If it’s a windy day, use rocks to hold it down.
6. Repeat as many times as desired.
Literacy Connections
While your projects are drying, connect this Sand Art activity with a cute book about Sand:
Sand Cake (A Frank Asch Bear Book)
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