This Earth Day play with chalk activity is a playful way to begin conversations about the earth and the elements of the earth and how to take care of it. Starting at an early age learning about the earth can make a huge impact on your child. This chalk activity is a playful way to start talking about the earth with your child and all of the elements you find on it that we need to take care of. With just a few items your child is on their way to learning how to be eco-friendly.We’re always ... Read more...
Search Results for: label/PLAY
Screen Free Week
This week is screen-free week, a time to un-plug and re-connect with the people in your life.Look UP! Look OUT! Take as much time as you possibly can this week to UNPLUG from electronic devices and PLUG into wonder, play, experiences, and re-connect with the PEOPLE that you love.Here at The Educators’ Spin On It, we believe in the power of parenting with purpose and have pledged to turn off our screens for the week and make even more meaningful connections with our children, spouses, ... Read more...
Preschool Math: Take a Texture Walk
Sometimes the simplest activities are actually the strongest learning activities. Exploring outside activates many of our senses and accommodates multiple learning styles. The child who learns best by seeing, feeling, hearing, exploring, smelling, interacting, and moving, can all benefit from taking a texture walk.Texture Walk for PreschoolersMy preschooler and I have been taking a texture walk daily for the past several weeks. Encouraging him to look for different textures increases his ... Read more...
Connecting Family through Creative Play
Strengthen family bonds through creative play! Discover fun, engaging activities that inspire imagination, teamwork, and meaningful connections for kids and parents alike.Creative Ways to Connect Family Through Creative PlayOne of the most comforting things a mother can find is a kindred spirit - another mother to share your joys, and also your worries with. Someone who can inspire you and help you think more deeply about the type of mother you wish to be for your child. It is so encouraging to ... Read more...