The Sleep Challenge
It’s 11. PM
I’m finally crawling into bed.
We get up early and 10:00 is my ideal bedtime. But lately, it has been difficult to get everything accomplished during the day. From writing to educating kid to household chores, my day is jam packed. My to-do lists are overflowing and as my day gets longer, my night seems to shrink. I hit the pillow and am out.
1:30 AM.
Someone pulling on my pj’s. I open one eye.
“Mom, I have to go pee.” my littlest says just 2 inches from my face. (Did I mention we were potty training?)
I’m a little embarrassed to admit, but I did tell him he can just go in his diaper and closed my eyes again.
The heavy breathing inches from my face told me he wasn’t happy with my answer. Oh why do you have to be so good at potty training… I am sooo tired.
“Need help Mommy,” he insists and so, I flop out of bed. Help him use the potty, re-dressed and tucked back in bed. I’m back in bed shortly afterwards too. Sleeping again.
3:47 AM
I hear the sound of footsteps in my dreams.
Not my dreams. These footsteps belong to my 5 year old. He lifts the covers and climbs in bed. “I’m scared mommy. It was a bad dream.” I wrap my arms around him and pull him in close. “It will be ok. Remember that it was just a dream. You can change your dreams to anything you want. If they start to get scary think of fluffy bunnies jumping over rainbows (that’s our scary dream secret). He gigles and gives me another hug before heading back to his bed.
6:00 AM
BEEP BEEP BEEP My alarm is going off and I’m ready to start the day. With less than 6 hours and 30 minutes of interrupted sleep, I’m dragging butt.
The Importance of Getting a Full, Uninterrupted Night Sleep
People, sleep is soooo important.
Sleep affects
- My mood
- My personality
- My thinking
- My ability to cope with problems
- My creativity
- My ability to remember
- My health and well being.
Sleep affects the way I parent.
When I do not get a good nights sleep, I am not the most fun-loving, caring, patient mom that I want to be. I am more irritable and short with my words. So my lack of a good nights rest, doesn’t just affect me. It affects my family as well.
Yup. I feel like I’ve been running on fumes with my lack of consistent sleeping. I’m the grumpy, coffee clutching mom that’s not in the mood.
Not good.
I’m Not the Only One Needing Better Sleep
My Dad
recently spend a night at a sleep clinic at the request of his primary doctor. He didn’t realize how many times every night he was waking up and now sleeps with a breathing machine. He has noticed an increase of energy throughout the day and a feeling of getting a full night’s rest.
My mommy friend
posts on FB at 3 AM at night, many nights in a row. She can’t fall asleep and is at her wit’s end. After trying all of the classics (warm milk, bath, no electronics before bed), she has reached out to her doctor and is in the process of assessments as I type.
might be experiencing a lack of sleep or not enough, uninterrupted sleep as well.***
There are many of us that need more uninterrupted sleep.
On average, nearly three-quarters of Americans (72%) are missing out on almost three weeks of sleep per year (470 hours).
Nearly 4 million Americans suffering from insomnia. What’s even more surprising, is that the most common symptom of insomnia is the inability to stay asleep, not difficulty falling asleep. It’s a symptom that more than half of Americans struggle with on a regular basis.
*** If you have trouble sleeping through the night, you should have a conversation with your doctor about your routine, lifestyle and symptoms.
Are you getting enough sleep? New statistics show Americans regularly struggle with sleep.
The Sleep Challenge
This week, I challenge you to take a closer look at your sleep habits.
- What time you are going to bed.
- What time you are waking up.
- How you are feeling when you wake up.
- Your general feelings about sleep.
- What factors may be influencing you ability to fall and stay sleeping.
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Wow…what a night!! We forget how important sleep is to be healthy and just more awake and aware…we want to get so much done, but not getting enough sleep doesn't give us more time, it takes it away! Thanks for the post. You're a great mom I'm sure!
Thumbs up!!