Several forms are coming home this month for Back to School in your child’s folder or backpack. One the most important forms for you to complete is your VOLUNTEER FORM for your child’s school. Are you wondering why?
Let me share with you the importance of volunteering at your child’s school and even why attending school events can make a big impact for your child’s success.
The Importance of Volunteering at your Child’s School
As parents we look for ways to connect with our child at home and also to their world outside of your home. Volunteering at your child’s school can be one of the easiest ways to connect.
Ask yourself these questions about Volunteering …
Are you the parent that offers to help?
- Do you give your email address to your child’s teacher?
- Do you schedule and attend parent conferences?
- Do you volunteer in the classroom or at the school after hours?
- Do you show up to events after school hours?
- Do you make an effort to connect with parents in your child’s classroom or in your neighborhood?
The past few weeks at our house were probably the busiest it’s ever been in many years since staying home with my children. I found myself questioning what I had gotten myself into. It’s a balancing act that I am still working on as a mom of three, I know you can probably relate too. You might be asking yourself am I really going to offer to help at school this year? It’s tempting to pass and look to other parents to do it.
Honestly though they are not.
If more parents volunteered in the classroom to help in schools just a little bit, it wouldn’t have to be this busy for me or for you this school year. There is power in numbers parents so let’s work together this school year and make a big impact!
Where are the other Parents?
At each little moment the past few weeks I found myself questioning why I was spending so much time volunteering ….
- While eating lunch once a week with my daughter at her table with her classmates, in the very loud and kind of chaotic cafeteria full of 12 classes, I pondered why I don’t take her outside where it’s quiet, and Are other parents worried about this too? Where are they?
- I stood on a ladder on stage decorating for a school event with only one other mom from school, we both realized we were the only parents there out of 7 grade level classes with 18 students in each. We both had questioned where is everyone else? Honestly a 2 hour job could have been a 20 minute job if a bunch of parents jumped into help.
- Earlier this year it was late at night I was cutting out fabric and putting together the costumes for my daughter’s play at school I did pause to think why did I offer to do this? I’ll admit I did question why weren’t there other parents who were concerned how it was getting done for all the kids.
- Hurrying to put my little one down for a nap so that I could make it to school to help my daughters homeroom class in the computer lab log-in with their passwords for the first time. And then off to my daughter’s gifted class which is overcrowded, I wondered is it really worth my time? Do I make any difference being there?
- As I was baking and decorating several batches of cupcakes for a PTA membership drive I couldn’t help but think why doesn’t every parent want to join PTA? Why does it need to be an effort to get parents to join the largest child advocacy group in the world?
Now let’s be honest there are legitimate reasons why some parents can’t volunteer during school hours and I know I can’t answer for all parents, why they are not involved. But if we all just have a little bit, it could make a HUGE impact.
To answer my own questions I found my answer.
I do know why I get involved and volunteer at my child’s school.
Why You Should be Volunteering at School
The answer hit me why I volunteer while I was helping the students put on their costumes on the night of the performance. I noticed two seats were empty in the class. Their family didn’t bring them. They didn’t come to watch them perform and my heart sank for them. How disappointing after practicing for weeks to not be able to come with your peers to show how much effort you put in.
After volunteering in the classroom. I couldn’t help but also notice it’s the same two students that are having more difficulty with learning. I have been a teacher for many years before becoming a stay-at-home mom and, truthfully, I must admit that as a teacher you can oftentimes get a sense of who might have difficulties just based on who doesn’t show up for Meet the Teacher, Open House, or special events. These same families have trouble even returning folders with signed papers.
Getting Involved Equals Success
There was my answer….Why do I get involved with so many things with my children?
I believe that in order for your child to do well in school you need to be connected to their school and their life! I want my children to do well in life and in school. I want all of them to be connected with their peers and have good social skills. I want them to excel in academics and build a successful career. I want them to know I’m here for them whenever they need me.
How Do You Get Involved in Volunteering at School?
We need to show our children we value what they are doing and that we are proud of their effort and achievements! We need to show them we are there for them no matter what. So the next time something comes up at school, offer to help. Yes it does take time but if we all are offering to help it won’t be such an overwhelming task for just one person.
Don’t assume that someone else will volunteer.
I’ve been a young, single working mom who drove an hour to work each day and I still was able to find a few windows of opportunity to volunteer at my child’s school.
I’ve also been a stay at home mom with a baby at home too and found a role to fill at home. There is no excuse for you not to get involved somehow in your child’s life at school. It requires more time and effort to plan it out but I promise the payoff means great success for your child.
There are always a few small tasks that can be done that suit your skill set and interest. I promise! Are you ready to Volunteer this school year?
Here’s are some helpful tips to get your started and Tips for Open House Night. We’d love to hear the various ways you are able to volunteer with your child at school or in your community.
Did you know there are ways to Volunteer at School with your child too?
You are absolutely right! Also, volunteering in my children's school is a way I show them that their school experience is important to me and something I want to be included in. My children's education is my job, as such I need to help their teachers as much as I can. Thank you for the motivation and inspiration!