My father-in-law taught me how to cook Borscht. Borscht is the traditional Russian Beet Soup, well his version of it! It is well known that if you put a bunch of Russians in one room and asked them to make a certain dish, each dish would be completely different, but completely right. There are many, many versions of Borscht. The one I make is very similar to this recipe, but we use beef. There are vegetarian recipes too! Here is a link to a bunch of different recipes if you are in the mood to do some adventurous healthy cooking! My goal for the year was to cook at least one Russian dish every week for the year! So far, so good! My last Bilingual Babies post talked about Blini!
I love the idea of labeling items in the fridge! I've long recommended doing that sort of thing with furniture, toys, and so forth, but never food–brilliance! I'm going to start this now that Griffin (age 4) is eager to learn to read. (And maybe my hubby will understand French better, since he's more of a visual learner.) Besides, the more interesting and relevant we make the information, the more people are motivated to learn it. In this case, the way to a man's (and little boy's) brain is through his stomach!
Thanks so much for this post! I found you through the Carnival. And then read every one of your posts on Bilingual Babes! I'm so inspired!!! I plan on collecting ideas such as these to use with my 2-year-old. We speak German at home, although I'm a non-native speaker. So I'm always looking for ways to improve my own vocabulary, too! I'll be checking back in the future… 🙂
Thanks Robyn! I did have to laugh at your comment because taking a picture of my fridge gave me a good excuse to clean it out =) =) =) If you ever run into children's books about cooking Russian food – please let me know!!! I'd love to find a good Borsht book =)
Wow! I'm saying wow to lots of elements of what you've posted… not least of all how nice, orderly and clean your refridgerator looks. I'm impressed.