Let’s join together to Go Red for Women in support of the American Heart Association and it’s awareness campaign.
Looking for a simple way to get your children involved with you in exercise? Having trouble fitting in exercise and being a mommy. You’re not alone. Day in and day out as moms we find ourselves taking care of everyone, it’s what we signed up for we we took the job . However I want you to stop for a moment today and think about you and your heart. Are you taking care of it the way it should be? Look at your children. Are they getting the promise that you will be here to watch their children grow up?
Heart attacks are the #1 killer of women
Let’s come together to fight back, raise awareness, EXERCISE and have fun with our kids at the same time. Take your heart Go Red Plan Now.
Grab your tennis shoes, comfy clothes, a jump rope, Paper or Felt Hearts and join the fun!
7 Healthy Heart Fun Stations
- Jump Rope
Grab a rope and start jumping for 1 minute
- Lunges
Lunge ten times across and back of your yard. As you lunge stretch out both arms holding a heart. As you step you can say “I love you”
- Crab Crawl
Spread out 10 hearts in the grass and for 1 minute crawl with your child around the Hearts, careful no touching a precious heart.
- Burpees
For 1 minute you and your child can do burpees. As you’re doing them you can say I love you for each motion. I was impressed how much my two year old wanted to keep us with us too!
- Plank
Hold a plank for 1 minute over a heart. While holding your plank you can have your child climb underneath you, great exercise for both of you. If have a smaller child they could also lay on top of you.
- Sit Ups
Grab a heart and put your feet together with your child. As you’re coming up you can touch hearts.
- Heart Relay Races
Put all 10 hearts in a basket at the end. Then move to the other end of the yard and take turns running to pick up the hearts.
There are Seven Heart Healthy Activities for you to do with your child or even children. We did 3 sets of these activities to get the best workout we could. Hope you enjoy!
I had so much fun in my own yard setting up stations with my kids, I hope you will too!
HEART NEWS: We shared 7 Healthy Heart Activities Stations every Friday in February!
Healthy Heart Mommy and Me Workouts
We’re joining today across the nation Go Red for Women with the American Heart Association. Along with Coffee Cups and Crayons, The Iowa Farmer’s Wife, B.Inspired Mama, Mama Smiles and Train Up a Child to bring you Go RED Ideas for you and your children this month.
Let’s turn a red spotlight on America and raise awareness of the issue of heart disease in women.
American Heart Association”
As always exercise at your own risk!
Disclaimer: When exercising please consult your physician first and do at your own risk and stop if anything feels painful. I am not a doctor or trainer, just a mom trying to get active and heart healthy with my own kids.
Great information and what a fun way to get the kids involved! Thanks for linking to the outdoor play party.
What a great way to get exercise and connect with your kids! I am always looking for new ideas for backyard play, and this would be right up our alley. I especially love the heart relay. I am sharing this on my FB page.
I love your little workout with hearts. Sadly, I completely missed Wear Red day because of craziness at work, but we are trying to fit more exercise into our lives this year.
Jackie the smile on my daugthers faces were priceless and they worked out with me in the yard. It really was so much fun and I did feel the workout the morning after, I hope you will too!
I love these activities. They are great for physical heart health and emotional heart health! Can't wait to try them out with my boys.