Summer is a busy time. It seems like we are starting to find a little bit of a groove with having all 3 kids at home during the day. We are learning, having fun, and enjoying a lot of playtime. I’m struggling to balance the roles of the mom, the friend, the wife, the daughter, and the business professional and finding time for me beyond chugging down my coffee each morning.
Finding Balance as a Mom
I can’t be the only one trying to find a balance?
Today, I got my littlest one (18 months old) down for a nap around 11:45 after a romp at the local park. My big kids were having quiet time in their room, which we try to do for 20 minutes after lunch every day. Their idea of quiet time meant, the 4 year old climbed the ladder into the 7 year olds bunk beds and they hid under the covers telling stories and giggling. Not really what I had in mind for a rest time, but they were laying down. They were cute and getting along and for the most part quiet. I figured I had at least 10 minutes of time to make a business phone call.
5 minutes into the phone conversation, 2 little feet pitter pattered into my bedroom office space with a note.
Wild Kratts?
Yes or No
My kids rarely ever watch shows and we limit it to 2-3 30-minute shows each week. It is HOT here in the afternoon. I circled YES and wrote 10 minutes. Did I mention that I was behind and feeling a little bit stressed about meeting deadlines and exceeding the expectations of the companies I am working with?
Pitter-patter feet left the room and I could hear exciting whispers in the next room. My phone conversation continued.
In exactly 10 minutes (um, they set the kitchen timer) the pitter-patter of 4 feet returned to my bedroom office pointing at the computer ( we don’t have a T.V.)
So, I went to the living room and kept discussing, well – grown-up stuff.
3 minutes later – a knock on the door. The repair man was ready to fix the wood rot on the side of our house. Can’t you be quieter and write me a note?
Fix siding?
yes no
I got him started and thankfully, I work with some awesome people who know that my job as MOM comes first. The conversation ended and as I hung up the phone I couldn’t help but stare at the receiver.
I can’t be the only one trying to balance it all.
I can’t be the only one having to make a choice – yes or no.
I can’t be the only one with a lot on their plate.
I finished the call, they finished a 20 minute show and then we headed to the kitchen to make homemade Popsicles. It’s all about balance, isn’t it?
So what do we do about it?
How do we model for and teach our children how to balance responsibilities and having fun?
How can we support each other as we juggle this amazing thing called life?
A team of amazing bloggers have started to encourage each other to post goals. It’s keeping me honest. It’s also helping me think – how can I help others. So without further adieu…
My Goals for the Month:
1. I have decided to cut out my personal show times in the evenings and go to bed earlier. We don’t watch a lot of shows, but find that it does sneak into my husband and my evening time together. It is my hope that by cutting out most of the shows and movies I will be able to go to bed earlier and therefore wake up earlier.
2. I am going to call on my friends for help this month. Yes, this is hard for me to do because I know that my friends are crazy busy too. I am hoping not only to ask, but offer to do something in return as well. Kim is not only my blogging friend here at The Educators’ Spin On It, but also a personal friend as well. She was a life saver last week and took my littlest one for the morning while my older kids were at bible camp, which freed up my morning to accomplish tasks at the speed of light.
3. I am going to make time to do something I enjoy for 5 minutes every day. My list of things I would like to do are as follows: paint my toe nails, lay in the grass and watch the trees, get the mail (alone), spin around in circles, do some Yoga without anyone climbing on me, paint a picture, sketch in my notebook, write a short story, and read an article from a magazine.
4. Last, but not least, I am going to use our online platform to support YOU! That’s right. In case you missed our June Business Director, I’m offering a chance to help balance your personal and professional life by marketing your business for you – at no charge.
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Thanks for including Kids Yoga Stories! Thanks for sharing a personal, heartfelt story.. great to hear real stories by real moms who are real teachers. Love your website!
I love the note. This month I'm also scaling back a lot. It is not easy but it has to happen sometimes.
I love that you are going to call friends. I think to often we text or message and a phone call makes a difference.
Thanks for the feature of 3 Dinosaurs.
I love that note your kids wrote!