Are you looking for ways to get both you and your kids moving together?
We’ve created some fun heart healthy activities for you to do with your child. They can be done both indoors or outdoors! It’s your own circuit created for Mommy and Me! Each station you do for one minute and then rotate. You can try your best to do the whole circuit three times together, or whatever your body and your child’s body is able to complete safely.
First thing you’ll need to do is gather 10 paper or felt hearts, two balls, and an elevated surface like a step or Stepper if you have one but not necessary.
7 Healthy Heart Stations for Mommy and Me Workout!
Heart Jumping Jack
Grab two hearts, one in each hand, and do jumping jacks for one minute! Each time you do a jumping jack touch your hearts above your head!
Sit and Run
Have a seat on the floor, put your legs straight out with your hands to your sides like you are going to race. Then for one whole minute pretend to run with your arms as fast as you can. For extra fun sit feet to feet with your child, looking & smiling at your child.
Heart Jump
Lay out several hearts on the ground as a heart obstacle. Then two feet together, squat down and jump over each heart for one minute. The more you practice the farther your jump will go.
Heart Side to Side
Pile up all your hearts next to you. Then sit side by side with your child. Pass the hearts from the side to side by twisting your core for one minute. As they pile up on one side switch to the other side working both your left and right sides.
Toe Touches on Stepper
Find an elevated space at your house, a step, a ball, a study box or we used a Stepper. Then for one minute touch your toes one by one onto the elevated surface. See how fast you can do it!
Pushups on Stepper
Using that same elevated surface or just the ground do pushups for one minute! We set our heads below us to remind us to lift up off the ground over the hearts. Using the elevated surface makes the pushups a little easier for you to keep your core straight.
Heart Leg Lift Ball Exchange
Grab one ball each and laying flat on the ground with the ball between your legs. Bring the ball up and reach for it with your hands and exchange. Bring ball and arms above your head to ground the then return the ball to your legs. Exchange the ball from feet to hands for one minute.
Did you miss last week’s Mommy and Me Workout?
Check out Week 1 and Week 2 Circuits!
Week 1 Healthy Heart Fun Circuit
Week 2 Healthy Heart Fun Indoor Circuit
These are products that I enjoy using at home and the gym.
The Step F1090 Step Body Fusion
We’re teaming up this month to Go Red for Women!
Have you done your Heart Assessment?
Disclaimer: When exercising please consult your physician first and do at your own risk and stop if anything feels painful. I am not a doctor or trainer, just a mom trying to get active and heart healthy with my own kids.
{This post contains affiliate links for products we used purchased for our own personal use during our workout}
This is awesome!
Showing your kids the importance of keeping your heart healthy with activities like this is essential 🙂
Great job mom!
So great! This is something we need to start doing, but just having trouble finding the time! Thanks for sharing at After School!
I love these Mommy and Me workouts. I did some kickboxing with my girls (they are older — 10 and 12) and we had a blast doing martial arts together! They definitely could appreciate it when I (accidentally) did a front kick to our sensei's groin when he wasn't wearing a cup. Hey, he should have blocked it. He's a black belt!