This week’s Snapshot of Parenting with Purpose was inspired by Deb at Learn with Play. She shared with us her husband and how much she knows it’s important for him to be involved with story time too.
“I believe that in order for kids (especially little boys) to develop the best relationship with books and literature for the future, it’s important that they have Daddy (or other males) read too.
Myself and my husband have both made it a priority to read to our kids daily since they were born and love to see the excitement and enthusiasm that books hold for our daughter.
And… for all the Dads out there, there’s not much more that melts a mum’s heart, than seeing Daddy reading with the kids.” Debs @Learn with Play
Our Spin On It
We love when Dads get involved with their child’s reading, when both parents are actively involved and working together for the children amazing things can and will happen. As a father, having your child observe you reading and listening to you read stories is a key element to lifelong successful readers. Research has shown time and time again that children who are read to frequently before the enter Kindergarten will have higher vocabulary skills, will become better readers and have better academic success. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends reading aloud to all children over the age of six months. For best results, read to your child every day for at least 30 minutes. How do you plug in reading for 30 minutes? It’s definitely something that both parents have to do together to make sure it happens!
Here are some fun ways we’ve shared discovered to encourage you child to have books in their daily routine and in a fun way.
- Tips on Reading with an Active Baby or Toddler
- Creating book stations
- Front Facing Bookcase
- Love Books Exchange
- LOVE BOOKS page filled with Books and Activities
- Ten Ways to Get Boys Reading by Dr. Danny Brassel (Thanks PreK and Sharing)
Where can you read together?
- reading corner
- kitchen table
- highchair
- bathtub
- playground
- parent pick up line
- bed
- chair
- backyard under a tree
- library
- front porch or backyard porch
- siblings practice time
- tent indoors or outdoors
- pretend boat
- restaurant waiting for a table or food
- car, bus, metro, train
- on a road trip
- on a airplane
- at the airport
- online video chat with grandparents or other family members
All Families are Unique
On are different note… we know that all homes are unique and that there are single parents too. It is totally possibly for any parent to do this on their own too. If there is a way, involving a grandfather or uncle at times as an option that might be helpful too if you’re concerned. They most important thing is that books need to be in your child’s life from the very beginning and that your child needs and adult to read and read and read with them to become successful readers and great thinkers! Something to think about….sometimes a special book could be a good transition item from home to home for little ones too.
This is a lovely post. So happy to be a part of it.
I'm so glad that you included the part about every family being different. Reality is that there are many families that don't have a "daddy" to read with. I hope in these circumstances that there are other males present in the children's life such as grandfathers, uncles, friends, teachers etc who can share reading experiences with the children.
Thank you for including me in such a valuable post.
Debs 🙂
(PS- the 2nd pic doesn't seem to be working 😉 )
What a wonderful post!! My husband reads to my son every night and I completely agree that boys need to hear their dads read too!! People always talk about how important moms are….and we are…but the influence that a "dad" can have on a child can be life changing!!
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