My kids adore puzzles! I do too! In fact, I am pretty sure that they are my #1 toy for encouraging learning with young children. Well… puzzles may be a tie for first with blocks. They both are really great toys. In fact, puzzles can be used for Fine Motor, Math, and Literacy Activities.
Here are three simple, but very effective activities to learn with puzzles!
Trace, Match, Write | Fine Motor, Math, and Literacy Activities with Puzzles
1. Fine Motor / Early Writing Skills with Puzzles
Peg puzzle
1. Take a puzzle piece out.
2. Hold it steady with one hand.
3. Trace around the outside with the pencil.
4. Repeat with other pieces.
2. Beginning Math with Puzzles: Spatial Reasoning
Traced puzzle cards (see above activity)
Peg puzzle pieces
1. Mix the puzzle card papers up.
2. Select a puzzle piece.
3. Find the matching shape outline.
4. Repeat until
What Puzzle Should I get My Child?
3. Developing Literacy with Puzzles
- Traced puzzle cards
- Pencil
- Stapler
- Puzzle Pieces
1. Write the word for each puzzle piece under the tracing on each puzzle card.
2. Stack the puzzle cards on top of each other.
3. Staple on the left hand side to make a DIY home-made book.
4. Read the words with your child. Encourage them to place the corresponding puzzle piece on the page.
Raising Global Learners? This DIY homemade book is great for learning new vocabulary in another language too. Just write the name for the object in that language above the puzzle tracing.
For MORE Puzzle Play and Learning:
Beginning Sounds Matching Puzzles with Stickers by Mom Inspired Life
Learning Your Name Playdough Puzzle by Growing Book by Book
Can You Follow The Puzzle? by Learning 2 Walk
Animal Puzzles in a Sensory Bin by Life Over C’s
Turn Your Child’s Artwork Into A Puzzle by Capri + 3
Rainbow Art Puzzle for Kids by Fun-A-Day!
Trace, Match, Write | Fine Motor, Math, and Literacy Activities with Puzzles by The Educators’ Spin On It
Rainbow Craft Stick Puzzle by Powerful Mothering
Rainbow Name Puzzle by Still Playing School
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Never thought to trace the puzzle pieces. Great idea to use the puzzles to their fullest potential.
I love to give life to old toys and games. Great ideas! We've been working on tracing so we will have to try this!
This is such a great way to add extra life to a puzzle that's already been mastered!
Tracing is such a creative way to use puzzles. I love that you write the word to help with reading skills.
Great idea! We have tons of puzzles we could do this with. I never even thought about tracing them. We could use them as templates to create all kinds of designs and illustrations because I am not artistic enough to draw anything on my own!
We have so many puzzles that would be perfect for this! What a great way to revitalize them!