Create colorful back to school crafts and gift ideas with permanent markers!

This 3 Simple Ways to Prepare for Back to School with Infinity Markers was a sponsored post. However, the opinions expressed here are 100% my own.
Back to School Craft Ideas with Markers
I’m always looking for fun ways to get my kids excited about going back to school. I guess having my kids growing up with a teacher as a mom you somewhat expect that excitement. This is probably one of my most exciting times of the year, admittedly a bit sad but true.
Ask a few other teachers and they’ve been thinking about preplanning for a few weeks now too.
Back to School Coloring Project
This year we are just doing a simple Back to School Coloring project that will be the anchor to starting a successful morning routine and after-school routine for us. I gave her the outline of the Back to School Text and told her to design a fun background for it so we can hang it up and start getting ready for school to start in, yikes one WEEK!
Make your own Back to School or First Day of School Sign
Check out how bright and colorful she created a design using the Infinity Markers that we received to try out Now that she’s heading off to 2nd grade I told her she’s a big girl and I trust her with permanent markers at the craft table.
You should have seen her eyes like up when I told her that! Off she went to create this adorable masterpiece. We talked about design ideas with polka dots, zig-zags, strips and more. She had fun filling her afternoon with this project.
I have a feeling there might be some spelling word projects in the near future! Back to School just got a little bit more exciting at our house and your’s too!
Create Your Own Customized Containers
We have a few other ways we’ll be using our Infinity Markers too. We created a simple holder for our magnetic letters, perfect for spelling word practice or little sister’s Tot School while big sister is at school. Simply recycle a jar and use the markers to write your ABCs all over it.
We can even store our Infinity Markers in their too, so bright and colorful!
Create Your Own Customized Teacher Gifts
One last idea for Back to school! We made a little teacher gift for one of her teachers that she had from last year. This could make a fun Meet the Teacher Gift too. We created with the Infinity Markers the lines on the glass vase that we found for $1, can’t beat that! The lines were made to look like school paper and then we wrote the teachers name on it.
On the first day of school you can deliver it with a variety of things inside. Child made flowers, school supplies like Infinity Markers, pencils, colored pencils, anything to help your child’s teacher’s year start off right!
Or consider a customized Post It Note with customized Ribbon Gift OR Painted Pencil Themed Clothespins.
We had a lot of fun experimenting with the Infinity Markers and truthfully have quite a few other ideas to share with you. Check out Infinity Markers Pinterest Board and you just might see those ideas too! You ready to try them out yourself?
Wishing you a great start to your School Year!
How would you use these colorful Infinity Markers?
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I looovvveee your ideas! Thank you so
Much for sharing… Angie
Looks like a great way to prepare for school! Thanks for co-hosting After School Link Up 🙂
I really love the storage Jars! I do that all the time with my peanut butter containers. I never thought of letting my children decorate them though. That would make a great and productive writing/art activity 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
I think I would like a set of those markers! My granddaughter is going into grade two as well. She recently came and told her grandpa and I that she felt she was ready for "more responsibility". It seems that that is what they like at that age, to be treated as though they are responsible. It's nice when we can give kids little things to be responsible with and make them feel grown up.