This post is sponsored by Seventh Generation. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.
Are you a GREEN Superhero?
Earth Day is almost here! It’s on April 22.
Do you have any special plans to honor it?
For Earth Day you can…
- Plant a Tree
- Start a Garden
- Pick Up Trash
- Party for the Planet
- Earth Day Picnic
- Learn About the Earth
- Make a Recyled Art Materials Project
- Create a Top 10 List of things I Love about the Earth
- Create a Call to Action
Most Importantly this year YOU CAN BECOME a Green Superhero
Take a self-assessment of your house to see where you are with the chemicals we are impacting our families with every day. When our little ones are first born I think we are naturally more conscious about the types of products our child is exposed to. We even use special laundry detergent to protect their sensitive skin.
However, as our children grow we tend to get a little more comfortable in the things the start to use around the house. I’ll confess to myself that I’m not reading the labels the way my children deserve.
This week in honor of Earth Day we’re going to focus on being a GREEN SUPERHERO and identify what items in our home could have potentially harmful chemicals in them and consider if they need to be in our home.
Recently it was brought to my attention by Seventh Generation that of the 80,000 synthetic chemicals introduced into the market since the Toxic Substances Control Act was passed in 1976, the EPA has required testing on less than 10%. It’s alarming that scientists have linked exposure to toxic chemicals to many health risks, such as Cancer, Alzheimer’s, learning disabilities, asthma, birth defects, and various reproductive problems.
There’s hope! Seventh Generation is working to push a reform on TSCA which would have all of these chemicals studied, evaluated and tested. I encourage you to ask Congress to reevaluate the Toxic Substances Control Act for the first time since 1976.
If Seventh Generation collects 100,000 signatures:
- The Toxin Freedom Fighters will deliver them to Congress on April 30, 2014
- The signatures will strengthen the movement behind chemical reform, and will encourage decision-makers to change the necessary laws
- Seventh Generation will spread awareness about the 37 year-old TSCA and starts conversations about how it fails to protect the health of the general public
Join us by signing the petition, join this campaign and use the hashtag #fighttoxins to give the biggest impact to your voice as a parent.