Wondering what to do this summer with the kids? Use these easy tips for planning summer activities using Pinterest. Let Pinterest do the work and your family have all the fun!

It’s hot! It’s summer! And confession, you’re wondering what activities can I do with my child to make the rest of summer fun and easy for everyone. We have a couple of solutions for you that I think you’ll love.
Bonus… It has to do with Pinterest!
How to Use Pinterest to Plan Summer Activities
At the beginning of summer Allison McDonald, creator of No Time for Flashcards, and I discussed fun ways to use Pinterest to plan your Summer Activities on Google Hangout On Air. Take a moment to watch our video as we candidly share how we both plan out summer fun and purposefully plan for a little bit of boredom to in order to allow some character building for our kids.
One big tip is to use Pinterest to plan out ideas to do with your kids.
Do you have a Summer Activities for Kids Pinterest Board?
If you visit our event page you will find tons of summer Pinterest board for ideas too! Feel free to leave your summer board there too or in the comments below so I can be sure to follow it! Below are a few Summer Resources that you might find helpful for planning Summer Activities for your child.
- School Aged Activity Board for #smartsummer
Follow The Educators’ Spin On It’s board Summer Projects to Make and Do on Pinterest.
Current Summer Projects onThe Educators’ Spin On It
We have quite a few different projects going on for summer for kids on our website. Here’s an easy reference guide below.
Virtual Book Club for Kids Summer Camp Ages 2-5
- Summer Activities at The Educators’ Spin On It
Summer Activities Hangouts on Air
- Tips for Planning Summer with Pinterest with Allison McDonald creator of No Time for Flashcards
- Tips for Scheduling Summer Activities with Holly Homer of Kids Activities Blog & hosts Janine and Amy of Mom’s Library
Did you know I have a new website at www.kimvij.com? It’s all about Pinterest! Plus I’m offering Pinterest Consulting and Speaking! Here’s a few more ways we use Pinterest on The Educators’ Spin On It
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