This week is set aside as a chance to recognize the wonderful teachers and staff that make a difference in the lives of our children. Schools all around the nation will be celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week. Parents will be uniting together to show their appreciation by planning teacher appreciation week.
Here’s how you can show your teacher appreciation with your child…

Planning Teacher Appreciation Week Celebration
This year, our school has chosen the theme: We Think the World of you.
Here are the planned events and some suggestions for participants.
- Monday: French Inspired Breakfast Before School
- Tuesday: Gracias Gift
- Wednesday: Italian Luncheon
- Thursday: “Xie Xie” (shia shia) from China
- Friday: “Thank You” from America
The details for each of the days during Teacher Appreciation week are featured below. If you are helping to organize this event, we recommend getting a core team of parents and community members together. Planning an entire thank you week for teachers and staff takes time and effort.
It is helpful to involve and notify parents of the festivities via
- Printed newsletter
- School Facebook posting.
- Kids (get them excited about the week during the school-wide morning announcements)
Tips for involving all families in Teacher Appreciation Week Celebrations.
- Keep the information short, sweet, and to the point.
- Include details on when, where, and what to bring.
- Make sure to include celebrations that ALL families no matter what their socioeconomic status may be. That means, having some homemade, no-cost ways for children to contribute to the festivities.
We Think the World of You Week Activities for Teacher Appreciation
Monday: French Inspired Breakfast Before School
“Merci” from France. On this morning, a French inspired breakfast will be served to teachers and staff. Parents are asked to make and donate French inspired breakfast items.
- Baguette
- Cheese platter
- Crepes
- Fruit
- Croissants
- Pastries
Make sure to plan for silverware, plates, napkins, and cups!
Our school buys nicer tablecloths and re-uses them for different occasions. Chose a solid color tablecloth for the most versatility.
10+ Volunteers needed:
- Breakfast Table Set Up
- Someone to accept family food donations and place on the tables.
- Runner (to get needed items such as ice)
- Greeter to smile at teachers and thank them as they arrive
- Clean Up Crew
Tuesday: Gracias Gift
“Gracias” Senoritas & Senors. A special “Spanish” style gift & treat will be given to all teachers and staff. This gift is purchased by the PTA and distributed in the teacher’s mailboxes with a printed message. Your school may consider a small gift of:
- Candy
- Chocolate
- Magnet
- Gift Certificate
Chips and salsa in the break room is always a hit too!
3+ Volunteers Needed:
- To purchase the gifts
- Assemble the note and gifts
- Distribute the gift
Wednesday: Italian Luncheon
“Grazie” from Italy. Italian style luncheon & raffle. This lunch will be catered and served in the cafeteria. Work with the neighboring restaurants to see if they would be willing to sponsor this event or offer the meal at a discounted rate.
Ask your principal if you can write a blurb about them in the school newsletter as a thank you. (Start contacting them months in advance)
Volunteers needed:
- Organize and purchase decorations.
- Someone to meet the caterers and show them where to place the food
Decorate the room and tables - Runner (to get needed items such as ice)
- Greeter to smile at teachers and thank them as they arrive
5+ parents to serve the teachers and staff - Clean Up Crew
Thursday: “Xie Xie” (shia shia) from China;
The teachers will be given a special Chinese treat. It will be delivered to all Teachers & Staff. Some items your school may consider purchasing for this Teacher Appreciation day are:
- Fortune Cookies
- Bookmarks
- Candy filled take out box.
- Fan
- Chopsticks
- Coin Purse
3+ Volunteers Needed:
- To purchase the gifts
- Assemble the note and gifts
- Distribute the gift
Friday: “Thank You” from America
The homeroom parents are helping out with Friday’s events and have asked each teacher what classroom supplies they needed and shared this information with the parents.
On this day, students are asked to send in a special hand-made thank you letter to their teachers.
Our teacher has specifically asked for several books and
- Any ream of copy paper
- Colored copy paper
- Card stock
- Fun colored grading pens
- Thick pocketed folders used to organize her plans
- Pencils
- Nice erasers
- Post it notes
- Large hand scissors
- Thin Crayola markers
Volunteers Needed:
All homeroom parents
For additional Teacher Appreciation Week Ideas
You might also find these helpful in your planning a special day for your child’s teacher.
I LOVE your “we think the world of you” poster! I’m referring to your poster/picture of the world on a black background with chalk letters!! Do you have an electronic file of that the is printable? I’m willing to pay a small amount for it (I don’t have a budget for teacher appreciation week). Please let me know!! Thank you
Not at this time, but we made it in Picmonkey, which is available for free. I’ll let you know if we do make one as a printable version though.