The movie WAS GREAT. And my kids are STILL talking about it. Now, I’m on the search for some Finding Dory Books for Kids to add to our shelves. As a K-12 Reading Teacher, I have to be honest. I’m usually not all that impressed with the books made from movies. BUT, as a mom, I know first-hand how excited and connected with movies they are.
Finding Dory was my 3 ½ year old’s first time at the theater. It was a BIG adventure for him and he points out everything Dory in the stores.
Capitalizing on this excitement is a great way to get kids reading more!
If you have a Finding Dory Movie Fan – You too may want to add a few books to your bookshelves.

Consider your child’s reading level, interest, and ability when choosing books that are the best fit for your family. A baby or toddler may enjoy an interactive board book. Your older child may want to try a Dory Mad Lib or chapter book (YES they have those!) We are heading on summer vacation and I’m saving the Finding Dory Mad Lib and Joke Book for my 9 year old to do on our plane trip!!!
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Finding Dory Books for Kids
Are you a preschool or kindergarten teacher? Make sure to add a few Finding Dory Books for Kids to your bookshelves this year. Order them now or add them to your back to school wish list!
Parents? Do you love supporting your child’s teacher? See above. HINT HINT!
Read-Aloud Finding Dory Books for Kids
Read aloud books are great bedtime, snuggle time, and really anytime reading. They feature bright color pictures and a story that kids can relate to.
Finding Dory Little Golden Book (Disney/Pixar Finding Dory) Picture books based on movies are great for encouraging story re-telling. After reading this book, make a few finger puppets and let your kids re-tell the story. Story retelling aids in comprehension. Read aloud book for Age Range: 2 – 5 years Grade Level: Preschool – Kindergarten Click to read reviews.
Finding Dory Big Golden Book Same cute storyline and great characters, with a little bit longer re-telling than the Little Golden Book (above) Age Range: 3 – 7 years Grade Level: Preschool – 2 Read reviews here.
Finding Dory: Three Little Words A wonderful bedtime story book with stunning illustrations based on your kids favorite movie – Finding Dory. A sweet story that is “uplifting, encouraging and motivational.” ~ via Mundie Moms & Mundie Kids Book Reviews on Amazon Click to read more book reviews.
Disney Pixar Finding Dory: The Essential Guide (Dk Essential Guides) Everything you ever wanted to know about Finding Dory – and more! 64 pages of facts and illustrations about your favorite movie. Age Range: 5 – 9 years Grade Level: Kindergarten – 4 Click to read more.
Hank the Septopus (Disney/Pixar Finding Dory) We just saw this book on Hank and can’t wait to get our hands on it. Although it’s based on the film – I cannot find what the storyline is. SORRY Am ordering it and will update this section to let you know. Age Range: 3 – 7 years Grade Level: Preschool – 2 Read more about the book here.
Update: RE HANK: This book was not the best fit for my family for the following reasons:
1. The storyline is that Dory asks Hank why he has only 7 legs. Hank says he doesn’t want to talk about it, but Dory persist and asks again (3 times in all). I know Dory has short term memory loss, but as a parent, I try to teach my kids to be kind to others with differences and do not want them to go up to someone that is different and continue asking what happened to them after they say they do not want to talk about it. If someone says no, they mean no.
2. On each page, Hank gives a new reason for having 7 legs. The reasons are the following don’t run with scissors, it was a trapeze accident, it was a dog walking accident, a cowboy problem, a ninja who did it, from a rock band incident, and from an arm wrestling match. My 3 year old had NO idea what was going on in the story or why Hank would say these things. In my opinion, it was age appropriate for a young child. Although my 6 year old understood they were stories, it almost seemed like the book was making fun of not having all his arms. This doesn’t fit our family values.
3. I would have loved to see a book that showed all the things that Hank could do with 7 legs to show our kids that everyone is different, but can still do some of the same things in a different way.
In all, there are other, cuter Dory-themed books
Step Into Reading Finding Dory Books for Kids
Step into Reading books are designed to provide early readers with text that is more suited to their independent reading level. Simple text, sentence structure and vocabulary accompany pictures that provide strong picture cues. A very beginning reader will still have difficulty with a Level 1 book on their own. We like to make our own books during this phase.
Ocean of Color Step into Reading level 1 books are great for kids who have mastered sounding out words on their own, know simple sight words and are ready for a shorter book with strong picture clues, repetitive words, and less complex sentences. Age Range: 4 – 6 years Grade Level: Preschool – 1 Click to read reviews.
Just Keep Swimming, Here’s another Step into Reading level 1 book. Admittedly, it was written to accompany Finding Nemo, but I’m sure your little Dory fans won’t mind! Age Range: 5 – 8 years Grade Level: Kindergarten – 3 Click to read reviews.
Dory’s Story 24 pages of Finding Dory fun! Simple story line with easy to read sentences. Since this is a STEP 2 reader, it will be a little longer, and a little bit more of a reading challenge then the STEP 1. Age Range: 4 – 6 years Grade Level: Preschool – 1 Click to read reviews.
Finding Dory BOARD Books for Kids
Even our littlest readers can enjoy books inspired by the kid favorite movie Finding Dory. When looking for books for babies and toddlers, select hardy pages and bright colored illustrations. Even though the movie is geared for older children, even the littlest will enjoy the bright colors of Dory and her friends in the pages of their book.
Hello, Dory! (Tabbed Board Book) 16 board book pages with tabs of your favorite characters: Dory, Hank, Age Range: 1 – 3 years Grade Level: Preschool and up Click to purchase for your little on one Amazon.
Finding Dory (Novelty): Come Swim with Me! Board book Let your littlest ones connect with some of the favorite characters from the movie. Click to read reviews.
Interactive Finding Dory Books for Kids
Finding Dory Sticker Scenes Sticker books are great for strengthening fine motor skills. It requires good hand-eye coordination to peal and stick each sticker into the right place, making this the perfect quit time, travel activity book for Finding Dory fans! Click to read reviews.
An Ocean Adventure Does your little one love creating their own stories with favorite characters? This magnetic ocean adventure playset may be the perfect book for you! You can also use the magnets on cookie sheets or fridge doors too to extend the play. Age Range: 2 – 5 years Grade Level: Preschool – Kindergarten Click to read reviews.
Finding Dory (Read-Along Storybook and CD) Books on tape are a great way for kids to wind down and relax. We like to use them after-lunch or outside play-time. These read along story books are also great for beginning readers to see AND hear the text. Many teachers will use these book and CD sets in their listening center in a classroom. Age Range: 6 – 8 years Grade Level: 1 – 3 Click to read reviews.
Disney Pixar Finding Dory Mega Coloring Read and color along with Dory and her friends in this coloring book for kids. Pair it with a new pack of crayons for a kids birthday gift. Click to purchase on Amazon.
Disney Pixar Finding Dory Coloring Pad (Floor Coloring Pad) BIG coloring pads are great for younger kids who are strengthening their fine motor skills. My boys like to lay on the floor and color on the big pads. This one has over 30 color pages plus stickers. Click to learn more.
Finding Dory Color & Play Ultimate Activity Book with Stickers With tear out pages, this activity book is great for siblings to share! Stickers included too!
Disney Finding Dory My First Puzzle Book This book has 5 puzzles inside the board book pages. My preschooler loves dumping all the pieces from each puzzle and sorting them into the right spot. I recommend storing the book in a large ziplock bag so you don’t lose any pieces! Read more about the book here.
Ultimate Sticker Collection: Disney Pixar Finding Dory (DK Ultimate Sticker Collections) Dive into an underwater adventure with this amazing sticker collection of Dory and her friends. Use this stickers to
- Create your own stories.
- Make your own mini books for new readers.
- Put on popsicle sticks for puppets
- Design a scene from the movie.
Disney•Pixar Finding Dory Movie Theater Storybook & Movie Projector Let your kids project an image on the wall as they read along with the book. It “includes a removable projector that doubles as a flashlight and five picture disks” Click for more information.
Finding Dory Books for the BIG Kids
Finding Dory: The Junior Novelization The chapter book retelling of the Finding Dory movie. Best for Age Range: 7 – 10 years Grade Level: 2 – 5 Click to read reviews.
The Unforgettable Joke Book These knock knock and more jokes inspired by Finding Dory the movie will have your grade schooler in a fit of giggles and re-telling them over the dinner table. Age Range: 6 – 9 years Grade Level: 1 – 4 Click to get this funny book!
Finding Dory Mad Libs My kids LOVE writing and creating a new story. These books are great for helping kids adjectives, verbs, and nouns. Age Range: 8 – 12 years Grade Level: 3 – 7 Click to read reviews.
Do your kids love DORY and Friends? They may love these interactive Dory inspired learning activities here at The Educators’ Spin On It:
Finding Sight Words with Dory Sensory Bag