Are you working on letter sounds with your preschooler? This Llama Llama Red Pajama Alphabet Quilt Activity is a fun way to get them to match their letters and sounds and prepare for Kindergarten.
Here’s how to make your own Alphabet Quilt!

Llama Llama Red Pajama Alphabet Quilt
One of my favorite bedtime stories is Llama Llama Red Pajama. This adorable Rhyming Book helps us remove the drama from bedtime! In the store, when tucked into bed by his mama, Baby Llama immediately starts worrying when she goes downstairs, and his soft whimpers turn to hollers when she doesn’t come right back. But as all mommy’s do, Mama returns to set things right.
A families can relate to Baby Llama’s need for comfort, as much as parents will appreciate Mama Llama’s message of love and reassurance. It’s why we’ve chosen this story as our featured story for the Weekly Virtual Book Club for Kids.
Try out our Llama Llama Red Pajama Sensory Play with Playdough Quilt
Llama Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney
Materials Needed for Alphabet Quilt
- Scrapbook Paper
- Scissors
- White Paper
- Ruler
- Permanent Marker
- Alphabet Stickers (optional)
Try these additional Llama Llama Red Pajama activities with your child too.
Directions for Alphabet Quilt
1. Read the story Llama Llama Red Pajama with your child. Take notice of the quilt in the story on Llama Llama’s bed.
2. Tell your child that we’re going to recreate this quilt but with a little ABC fun.
Are you up for the Alphabet Quilt Challenge?
3. Using the scrapbook paper or construction paper create 26 squares. I would recommend using 5 different types of paper to make it look like a proper quilt. You and your child can work to make it sit in a pattern that matches the story Llama Llama Red Pajama.
4. Now have your child or you write the letters of the alphabet, one on each square. You can also use alphabet stickers to label each quilt square in your alphabet quilt.
5. Once you’ve labeled each letter square, we are going to lift them up one by one and make the letter sound bed. Here’s the challenge part of this alphabet quilt. We are going to make 26 additional squares on a white sheet of paper.
6. One each of the white quilt squares add one letter sound by drawing a picture of something that starts with that sound. You could also use alphabet stickers with pictures of items (like this sticker packet.)
7. Once each of the quilt squares has a letter sound added to it with a picture it’s time to play the alphabet quilt challenge. Simply have your child reassemble the quilt by placing the letter quilt squares over the matching letter sound quilt square below.
8. You could have your child draw a picture of Llama Llama Red Pajama to lay at the top of the quilt too as you enjoy the alphabet quilt activity to go along with the story.
If you like this activity your child will enjoy our Llama Llama Red Pajama Sensory Play with Playdough Quilt. Plus featured below are several additional activities from our Weekly Virtual Book Club Cohosts to go along with this adorable book Llama Llama Red Pajama.
Here are some of my favorite Preschool Books About Bedtime
Llama Llama Red Pajama Activities for Preschool
Alphabet Quilt Activity – The Educators’ Spin On It (You’re Here!)
Storytelling Our Way to Bed – Mama Smiles
Colour Matching Pajama Domino Game – Rainy Day Mum
Quilt Block Tracing Activity – J Daniel 4’s Mom
Bedtime Yoga – The Moments at Home
Llama Llama Bedtime Heart Lovey – My Storytime Corner
Pajama Name Matching Activity – Toddler Approved
Starry Night Stamp Art Ideas inspired by Van Gogh
Storytelling Necklace for Goodnight Moon
Join us next wee as we featured Transportation Activities to go along with Freight train. See what’s next on our Weekly Virtual Book Club for Kids Book List and Themes.