When you are getting to be BIG pregnant
And the nursery (or corner of your bedroom) is set up,
and you begin to feel that the arrival of your little one is near,
it is time to pack your bags!
As this is my 3rd baby, I knew exactly what I wanted and needed. The first basket I packed was snacks for ME to have when I knew I was entering the stage of active labor. My first delivery was a Petocin-induced labor with an epidural, my 2nd was an emergency c-section, and I was determined to try my hardest for an unmedicated V-Bac. I researched a lot and reflected on my previous deliveries and decided that I needed to make sure I had the energy to accomplish this amazing task of giving birth.
I read that snacks easy on the tummy were the best.
Here is what I packed to eat at home before heading to the hospital: Gatorade gel, rice cakes, apple sauce, jello, and Larabar.
Result – I woke up in the morning knowing I would give birth that day. I had contractions around 8 minutes apart and went to volunteer in my daughter’s first-grade class to keep my mind and my body busy.
Called my husband at lunch and asked him to come home at lunch. I ate a regular lunch and took an hour nap.
Got up, took a shower, put on a dress, painted my nails with my daughter (hubbie picked her up from school) and called my support team. Around 3:00, I started eating my snacks slowly for the next hour. (Only one applesauce was left) At 5, my hubbie made burgers on the grill and I called my birth coaches to come over. (At this point, I had NO interest in food, but was glad to have energy from the snacks!
Now onto my food basket for the hospital.
Yes, I did pack the food first. With both previous deliveries, I remember being hungry. Maybe you will luck out and have an awesome hospital cafeteria, but I wasn’t so lucky and was HUNGRY. In this basket, I had, goldfish crackers, beef jerky, chocolate-covered coffee beans, pine nuts, roasted sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, gum, applesauce, saltwater taffy, Larabars, chocolate-covered peanuts, and drinks.
My thoughts were that my hubby and I could have some snacks and the kids could have a little too if they stopped by.
Results: I was SO thankful for my food basket.
I delivered the baby at 7:01 pm which meant the hospital cafeteria would not deliver food until 8:30 am the next morning and I was famished. They offered Gatorade, graham crackers, and an old ham sandwich on white bread (YUCK!) with an apple. I ate it AND almost all of my healthy snacks. Was SOOOO thankful for the Larabars!
My husband left to take care of the big kids and it was the middle of the night, so I didn’t want to inconvenience any family or friends to bring me food. We were in the hospital for exactly 25 hours and the only thing that came home from this basket was 2 of the drinks.
The next thing I packed was things for the baby. I like having a couple of little outfits in newborn and 0-3 month sizes, hats, booties, blankets, and sentimental things that people have made for us.
The hospital has diapers, pacifiers, wipes, and anything else they may need for their care, so I didn’t bring those.
Result: We ended up using the blankets, hats, booties, and two of the three outfits.
Last, but not least, what to pack for ME. I know everyone is different, but these are the things I packed. Black stretchy dress pants with a wide waist, not a tight elastic band, one size larger than pre-pregnancy and 2 cute shirts again, one size larger than pre-pregnancy,a cute, new pajama set, my personal toiletries, a new nursing bra and “grandma panties” (in-case I ended up with a c-section.
Result: Everything worked out great! I gave birth in my maternity dress (no time to get into a gown) and changed into my PJ’s shortly after giving birth. I ended up not wearing the poke-a-dot shirt because it made me look and feel very pregnant. After giving birth, you are still very poochy, but don’t want to look it! I made sure to pack more shirts than I hoped I would need so that I had some options. I think it worked out well. I didn’t need anything other than what I brought!
See, here is me one hour after giving birth to my baby in my new jammies!
What have you packed in your hospital bags?
- Ideas for Hosting a Gender Reveal Party
- Connecting with Baby during Pregnancy
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I havent given birth yet but one thing I will NOT forget to bring is FLIP FLOPS for when I am able to shower!! 🙂
Don't forget the infant car seat so you can go home and slippers for yourself for walking around while in labor. Love the snack idea. The food at the hospital is so tiresome that I wish I had one!