A perfect recipe for fall with kids! Create this easy to bake mini apple pie recipe with your child.
A fun way to learn about baking in the kitchen with an apple themed book for kids.
Making Mini Apple Pie with Kids
We had our first Kids Cooking Class this afternoon and we learned all about Apples! In my cooking class, I try to incorporate literature and print as much as possible. Reading is a part of everyday life and it’s so easy to make it real with cooking.
I also teach science and math and art during cooking too! That’s what makes cooking one of the best things you can do with your child!
We read the book The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall.
(Amazon affiliate links included)
This is one of my favorite books to discuss apples, seasons, changes and life cycles just by the life around a simple apple tree in the backyard.
Once we read the book I had a large sheet of paper for the chefs to decide what they thought would taste best in an apple pie. With a little guidance, we got all of our ingredients listed.
Then we discussed what types of cooking tools we would need to find to prepare our apple pie. We found a bowl, spoon, child-safe knife, tablespoon, teaspoon, rolling pin, pie plate, and measuring cup.
I created an assorted pile of cooking terms for the girls to search through to label our items with.
Apple Pie Recipe for Kids
We used premade pie dough. You can precut circles for your child to place inside the mini pie containers
Apple Pie Filling Recipe
- Peel one apple and then cut in half
- Slice the apple into small pieces
- Mix 1 Tablespoon packed brown sugar
- Mix 1 Tablespoon white sugar
- Mix 1 teaspoon all-purpose flour
- Add a pinch of cinnamon
- Add a pinch of nutmeg
- Mix ingredients all together
- Put mixture into pie container
- Put 1 teaspoon button on top
- Bake for 15 minutes or until brown
- Enjoy
Once we established our ingredients we found the recipe with all those terms on it and read over it together as we gathered and identified our ingredients. Each chef was in charge of cutting their apple into small slices using a butter knife.
We talked about how to keep our fingers out of the way for knife safety. (The riper they are the easier they are to cut for little hands.)
Then they added their ingredients based on the recipe to their diced apples and placed it into a miniature pie plate. We baked the pies for 30 minutes.
While we were waiting we sang a few apple songs and read another non-fiction apple book. We discussed the different kinds of apples and we taste-tested yellow, green and red apples and discussed how some are sweet and some are tart.
We created an apple art project by creating legs and arms by folding them accordion style and then attaching them with glue. Then they personalized their apple with a face.
If you have more time you could also make this Apple Pie Paper Plate Craft.
You could switch up this whole lesson to lemons with this impressive Lemon Pie!
Then it was time to enjoy our finished product!
You could also make apple pie playdough no cook to play with while your apple pies bake.
For breakfast we’re going to add a little apple fun by making Baked Apple French Toast.
This week we will incorporate some Apple Literacy projects to enforce what we learned using the songs we learned and a child created book with sight words!
Check out more of The Educators’ Spin On It Apple Activities here:
Apple Activities for Kids
If you’re looking for more ways to enrich your child’s apple learning check out these sites!
Apple Unit by 2 Teaching Mommies
Preschool Apple Lesson Plan for Preschoolers
75+ Apple Theme Preschool Activities
Apple Books for Kids
Take a look at our favorite apple books for kids!
Want more apple ideas? Explore these 50+ Apple Activities for after school fun!
Mini Apple Pie Recipe
A perfect recipe for fall with kids! Create this easy to bake mini apple pie recipe with your child.
- apple
- 1 Tablespoon packed brown sugar
- 1 Tablespoon white sugar
- 1 teaspoon all-purpose flour
- a pinch of cinnamon
- a pinch of nutmeg
- Peel one apple and then cut in half
- Slice the apple into small pieces
- Mix 1 Tablespoon packed brown sugar
- MIx 1 Tablespoon white sugar
- Mix 1 teaspoon all-purpose flour
- Add a pinch of cinnamon
- Add a pinch of nutmeg
- Mix ingredients all together
- Put mixture into pie container
- Put 1 teaspoon button on top
- Bake for 15 minutes or until brown
- Enjoy
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I never considered writing out the recipe like that! Thanks for the great idea!
I love your Little Hands that Cook series! Thanks for sharing on the Sunday Showcase – featured this on this week's linky.
Great explanation, thanks for the posting!
Cooking Equipment
Such a cute lesson idea and a good way to involve kids in baking too 🙂 Stopping by from the Living Life Intentionally link-up!
Thanks Kim =-) I so love finding new blogs to inspire me!!
Thanks Beth! I just joined your party now! You now have a new follower too, I love your blog!
Thanks Bern! I love trying to incooperate reading and print whenever I can to show them how it's in our every day lives… plus they learn so quickly that way.
what a fun cooking class! 🙂 Love all the activities and books that you incorporate!
This is awesome- love the apple craft! Thank you for sharing this on The Sunday Showcase.
That's is too cute! I love the apple craft! I'm going pin this one! We have already finished our Apple Unit. Great idea.
Thanks Deb for adding us to your Apple Unit Study on pinterest and for becoming a follower. I'm just getting started on Pinterest, but it seems like a great resource.
Thanks Brimful Curiosities for the suggestion for Curious Chef knives… I will have to check them out!
Great activity – and great idea to label the cooking tools! I'm your newest follower. I also added your post to my Apple Unit Study Pinterest board: http://pinterest.com/pin/233681148/ Deb @ LivingMontessoriNow.com
I read The Apple Pie Tree for the first time this year. I saw it in the display at my son's preschool classroom. Super book for showing the seasons.
I highly recommend the Curious Chef knives for kids. I've given them as gifts to several friends. My kids like having their own safe knife. They work really well for cutting apples (without skin of course.)
Thanks! We're working on reading our own recipes so it's one of the beginning steps to identifying those words. My daughters loves sorting kitchen items to match the words too.
I love how you labeled the tools. We talk about them when we cook sometimes. I need to make sure my son knows their names.
Thanks Amanda! I love that Elly loves food, she was the one who even recommended whip cream to go on top of our pies!
Love, love, love these activities. I may be a little biased though =) Elly had such a fun time at your cooking class. Have I told you lately what an awesome friend you are????