I am a mom who is trying to grow a garden in her small backyard because... I want my children to know where food comes from. I want them to eat healthier. I want them to understand the value of hard work and the concept of patience. I want to give them the gift of having a family garden, just like my parents have done for me. Now, I want to grow more heirlooms. I have to admit, I don't know a ton about gardening. My parents and their parents were gardeners. My in-laws in ... Read more...
Literacy Development for Toddlers
Ways to support your toddler's literacy development from an early age. Explore practical ways to immerse your little one in the world of words, setting the foundation for a lifelong love of reading.Yes, my tot scribbles and I think it is wonderful!!! Yesterday, Kim wrote about exposing your babies to pre-writing activities by giving them opportunities to write. Literacy Development in ToddlersI am reading the book Raising Confident Readers: How to Teach Your Child to Read and Write--from Baby to ... Read more...
Baby Time: My First Scribbles
Children are naturally drawn towards activities that give them an instant response. Drawing can be one of those activities. It is an importance concept for their little brains to learn and helps them to understand cause and effect. It can help to develop eye hand coordination and fine motor skills in the process of having fun coloring. Experiencing the first time your little one draws can be such an adventure. The look on their eyes as they begin to move the crayon, marker or pen across ... Read more...
January Wrap Up at The Educators’ Spin On It
Welcome new friends and glad to have you back good friends! Here at the Educators' Spin On It we blog about PARENTING WITH PURPOSE! We teach our children a second language, cook with books , play and learn with our babies Babytime, Tot-school, Afterschool, and garden , January was a fantastic learning and playing month. We have enjoyed learning and growing with our children and hope we were able to inspire you! In case you missed them... Afterschool Express: 100th Day of ... Read more...
Learning About Dairy Food Group~ Balanced Eating Fun Series
Learning about dairy foods with your child or class? Here's a creative way to create a yogurt parfait and learn about the dairy food group. Plus add a little heart fun to it too!We're working on learning about all the Food Groups in our Balanced Eating Fun Series with Little Hands that Cook with Books.So far we've learned about the:Fruit GroupVegetable GroupMeat GroupThe Dairy Food GroupThis week we're focusing on the Dairy Group! If you have the opportunity, I would take your Little Ones to a ... Read more...
Making Borscht and labeling your fridge!
My father-in-law taught me how to cook Borscht. Borscht is the traditional Russian Beet Soup, well his version of it! It is well known that if you put a bunch of Russians in one room and asked them to make a certain dish, each dish would be completely different, but completely right. There are many, many versions of Borscht. Making Russian Borscht for Your FamilyThe one I make is very similar to this recipe, but we use beef. There are vegetarian recipes too! Here is a link to a bunch of ... Read more...
The Learning Garden – Making Plant Labels to Teach Reading
A fun print rich idea for making plant labels with kids for your backyard garden. A great way to extend reading outdoors with your child this growing season. We went outside the other morning and saw that the first of our strawberries have begun blossoming!!! I just put these plants in the middle of our flower garden and they are doing well, but didn't have a place marker or label to say what they are. Although it is obvious to even a 2 year old, I am trying not to just garden, ... Read more...
Little Hands That Cook with Books: Meat and Bean Group~Balanced Eating Fun
We've been learning about the Food Groups with our children and this week it's all about PROTEIN with the Meat and Bean Group! My husband's family is from India and I've learned quite a bit about how an Indian family eats a variety of lentils, kidney beans, garbanzo beans. I was actually amazed at how little I knew about cooking with beans before I got married. Now my children's favorite things to eat are beans and lentils! This inspiration reminded me of a simple recipe to create with the ... Read more...
Kids in the Garden, Learning to LOVE vegetables
It’s easy to fall in love with beautiful flowers. Their stunning colors emerging from the tiniest blossom is one of nature’s most wonderful feats. The children gravitate towards our flowers with a strong urge to pick them, and I let them, save the roses and only because they are thorny. I will cave on those too when I am there to help them cut! I am not a rose gardener, nor any “real” gardener for that matter, but I was gifted a small rose bush that has bloomed and continued blooming year ... Read more...
Giant Pattern Blocks – Teaching Math to Tots with Movement
Giant Pattern Blocks are great for teaching math through movement. I love pattern blocks! The little wooden ones that you can make pictures with, sort by color and shape, teach patterning, symmetry, fractions and more. In fact, I think with just this one manipulative, I would be able to teach most of the kindergarten and first grade math curriculum. They are versatile, easy to use, take up a small space, and are fun to use! My tot, however, is not quite ready to ... Read more...
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