It’s time for the 2nd Annual Multicultural Children’s Book Giveaway and we’re excited to team up with KidLit TV, Pragmatic Mom, Jump into a Book, Franticmommy, What We Do All Day, Teach Mama, and Multicultural Children’s Book Day to give parents, teachers, and librarians in need, a chance to WIN a multicultural book bundle for their school library.

Libraries play an important role in everyone’s life. The library is a place where knowledge and the love of reading shine! However, budgets for school programs are being cut, and school libraries have been heavily affected. Hours for library time have been shortened in some schools, and even non-existent in others.
Up until September 30th you can enter to win a curated bundle of multicultural books featuring KidLit.TV featured StoryMakers guests and additional kid lit authors to help support your local school library.
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My Forgotten Self
Written by Lynyetta G. Willis, illustrated by Michele Phillips
Published by Inner Pathway’s Publishing
Tiev is a playful girl who vividly dreams about the many paths her life can take. However, when she shares these dreams with her well-intentioned family, they quickly tell her why she cannot be any of the things her heart desires. Feeling lost, hurt, and confused, Tiev encounters a powerful and loving Being, I Am. Tiev gets a glimpse into who she truly is and the amazing gifts waiting for her along each of her desired paths.
Kai and the Magic Jacket
Written and illustrated by Tricia Chinn Campbell
Published by Blissful Thinking PublishingWhen Kai receives an anonymous gift, he is unexpectedly introduced to ancestors from another time. In this coming of age story, Kai is offered guidance while confronted with choices and peer pressure. Kai And The Magic Jacket will encourage children to develop their instinct and confidence!
Monster Needs Your Vote
Written and by Paul Czajak, illustrated by Wendy Grieb
Published by Mighty Media Kids
Election season is here and Monster is ready to vote but, why cast your ballot when you can run for president instead? With speeches, debates, and a soapbox or two, Monster’s new tale is a campaign to encourage kids to stand up and fight for what the believe in!
Little Elliot, Big Fun
Written and Illustrated by Mike Curato
Published by Henry Holt & Company
Little Elliot, the polka-dotted elephant, and his friend Mouse go to the amusement park to see the sights and ride the rides water chutes, roller coasters, carousels, and more. But Elliot isn’t having much fun the rides are too wet, too fast, and just too scary until Mouse figures out a way to help him overcome his fears. Together, Mouse and Little Elliot can do anything!
Emma and Julia Love Ballet
Written and illustrated by Barbara McClintock
Published by Scholastic Press
Emma is little. Julia is big. They both love ballet. Emma takes ballet lessons. So does Julia. Emma is learning to be a ballerina. Julia is a professional ballerina. They are both excited about the big performance in the theater tonight. Emma will be watching from the audience. Julia will be dancing onstage! And afterward, Emma will go backstage to meet her ballet hero! Barbara McClintock’s richly illustrated, heartwarming story is sure to become a perennial favorite
Written by Kwame Alexander
Published by HMH Books for Young Readers
Twelve-year-old Nick learns the power of words as he wrestles with problems at home, stands up to a bully, and tries to impress the girl of his dreams. Helping him along are his best friend and teammate Coby, and The Mac.
Peep and Egg
Written by Laura Gehl, illustrated by Joyce Wan
Published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Peep wants Egg to hatch so they can do fun things together, like watch the sunrise, splash in puddles, and play hide-and-seek. But Egg is “not cracking.”
Marvelous Cornelius
Written by Phil Bildner, illustrated by John Parra
Published by Chronicle Books
In New Orleans, there lived a man who saw the streets as his calling, and he swept them clean. He danced up one avenue and down another and everyone danced along. The old ladies whistled and whirled. The old men hooted and hollered. The barbers, bead twirlers, and beignet bakers bounded behind that one-man parade.
Marta! Big & Small
Written by Jennifer Arena, illustrated by Jen Arena & Angela Dominguez
Published by Roaring Brook Press
As Marta explores the jungle, she knows she’s bigger than a bug, smaller than an elephant, and faster than a turtle. But then she meets the snake, who thinks Marta is “sabrosa “tasty, very tasty But Marta is “ingeniosa,” a very clever girl, and she outsmarts the snake with hilarious results.With simple Spanish and a glossary at the end, this fun read-aloud picture book teaches little ones to identify opposites and animals and learn new words.
Monster Slayer
Written by Gladys Barbieri, illustrated by Linar Safar
Published by Castlebridge Books
Spirited Gladys Elizabeth has a big problem: her pesky little sister. But when the monsters come out at night and interrupt her sleep, she realizes she is not up for the challenge. An unlikely ally shows up just in time, and Gladys Elizabeth learns a valuable lesson about the meaning of family.
A Morning With Grandpa
Written by Sylvia Liu, illustrated by Christina Forshay
Published by Lee & Low Books
Mei Mei’s grandpa is practicing tai chi in the garden, and Mei Mei is eager to join in. As Gong Gong tries to teach her the slow, graceful movements, Mei Mei enthusiastically does them with her own flair. Then Mei Mei takes a turn, trying to teach Gong Gong the yoga she learned in school. Will Gong Gong be able to master the stretchy, bendy poses?
Here’s how it works:
- Enter to win via the Rafflecopter widget below.
- Winners are chosen randomly. We’ll notify all winners via email.
- You’ll give us the name of your librarian, and address of your school library.
- We’ll send the books to your school library, in your name!
Giveaway ends 9/30/16.
THANK YOU to these featured publishers for producing wonderful multicultural books.
Lee and Low
Inner Pathway’s Publishing
Blissful Thinking Publishing
Mighty Media Kids
Henry Holt & Company
Scholastic Press
HMH Books for Young Readers
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Chronicle Books
Roaring Brook Press
Castlebridge Books
Multicultural Children’s Books
Multicultural books are a passion of our here at The Educators’ Spin On It. It’s one of the main reasons our own book, 100 Fun and Easy Learning Games, has many families from around the world in it. We encourage you to support your child’s school to help add to their school library but also to start working on yours at home too. Here’s a few tips on how to build your own diverse book home library on your bookshelf. We hosted the Multicultural Book Day in both 2016 and 2015 with tons of activity ideas to go along with some fantastic books filled with diversity for kids to explore. Click here to get started!
We’re always keeping our eye on what’s available in books. In fact we shared about quite a few that receive awards in the Youth Media Awards for 2016. We’ll keep building our Around the World page for you to help support your child’s learning at home, be sure to check it out! CLICK HERE
Pragmatic Mom
Pragmatic Mom was born of several circumstances; one child’s lackluster academic year, a mishap during a reading session, and realizing it was okay for a mom to love kid lit more than adult fiction. Mia Wenjen chronicles her family’s journey through education, parenting, and children’s literature via Pragmatic Mom. Mia is a leader in literacy and parenting. She is one of the co-founders of Multicultural Children’s Book Day.
Connect with Pragmatic Mom on Facebook, Google+, Pinteres
Jump Into A Book
Jump Into A Book (JIAB) is a site about the love of children’s books and how they can be incorporated into our everyday lives through play, crafting, cooking, movies, games, traveling and author visits. At JIAB, they strive to pull books off shelves and stories off pages to create reading experiences for families. Amazon and iTunes best-selling author and founder of Audrey Press, Valarie Budayr is a play and reading advocate, whose mission is to inspire children, families, and communities to experience and create a world together through books while having fun.
Connect with Jump Into A Book on Facebook, Google+, Instagra
Rebecca Flansburg (a.k.a Franticmommy), is a freelance writer, blogger and virtual assistant., is filled with laughter and love about the joys of parenthood. Rebecca is also committed to helping women realize their work-from-home dreams, enjoying life beyond the cubicle, and find clarity in the work/life/family balance.
Connect with Franticmommy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinter
Multicultural Children’s Book Day
Multicultural Children’s Book Day’s (MCCBD) mission is to not only raise awareness for the kid’s books that celebrate diversity, but to get more of these of books into classrooms and libraries.Children’s reading and play advocates Valarie Budayr from Jump Into a Book and Mia Wenjen from Pragmatic Mom have teamed up to create an ambitious (and much needed) national event. On January 27th, 2014 Jump into a Book and Pragmatic Mom presented the very first Multicultural Children’s Book Day as a way of celebrating diversity in children’s books. The results and support overwhelming as authors, publishers, parents, teachers, bloggers and librarians joined forces to offer up an online event designed to shine the spotlight on diversity in children’s literature.
Connect with Multicultural Children’s Book Day on Facebook, Instagram, Pinter
The Educators Spin On It
Making everyday moments into teachable opportunities is the focus of The Educators’ Spin On It. The site was created by educators Kim Vij and Amanda Boyarshinov, certified educators and experienced teachers, currently stay at home moms, who have found blogging and Pinterest a key social media tool to share resources with parents.
Connect with The Educators’ Spin On it on Pinterest, Facebook, and Yo
What We Do All Day
Here at What We Do All Day we find creative ways to fill the days of our adventurous, lovely and crazy urban life. We blog about the books we read, food we eat, places we go and a few extra thoughts just to keep you on your toes.
Connect with What We Do All Day on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Amy Kilpatrick Mascott is the creator of, where since 2008, she has shared tools and resources parents can use to become the best teachers they can be for their children.
A Reading Specialist, writer, and literacy consultant, Amy’s work has been featured on dozens of online and print publications, including Scholastic Parents, PBS Parents,, PBS Digital Studios, and more.
Connect with Teach Mama on Facebook, Instagram, Pinter
KidLit TV
KidLit TV is a community of authors, illustrators, educators, and parents all working together to bring great books to kids. We hope to reinforce an appreciation of reading that children will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Click here for more.
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All Rafflecopter entrants must reside in the United States and be at least 13 years old.
This may seem a bit cliche but I LOVE Disney’s Treasury of Children’s Classics.
Marvelous Cornelius!
We love Peoples of the World!