Get ready for Pancake day ideas with these yummy ideas for your preschooler. These pancake themed activities feature math activities with pancakes, pancake cooking with kids, and even our favorite pancake books!
Are you ready for Pancake Day?
Every Sunday, I make pancakes for breakfast. My kids love to measure, mix and pour the batter for pancakes. Their favorite kind of pancake is oatmeal blueberry (mine too). We also like to try other combinations like gingerbread, maple orange, and raspberry vanilla.
Pancake Activities for Preschoolers
Pancakes are not just fun to make, they are fun to learn with too! In fact, we set up a pancake restaurant to make and sell our wares. This activity combines creativity with learning counting and money concepts. Because I always love how many books there are about pancakes, I’m including them in too using Amazon Affiliate links.
Activity: Pancake Store
Materials Needed:
- Pancake books
- Pretend pancakes (we made felt ones)
- Pretend or real money.
- Paper
- Scissors
- Marker
1. Gather and count your pancakes.
2. Decide on an appropriate price for each pancake. ($1 or $2 works best)
3. Make a sign with your paper, marker, and scissors.
4. Display all the pancakes and the sign in a pleasing way.
5. Holler “Pancakes for sale!”until someone comes to buy one.
6. Use the pretend or real money to give them change if needed.
Activity: Read Pancake Books
Marsupial Sue Presents “The Runaway Pancake”
Like Butter on Pancakes (Viking Kestrel picture books)
Pancakes, Crackers, and Pizza (Rookie Readers: Level B)
Tyler Makes Pancakes! (Tyler and Tofu)
Activity: Eat Pancakes!
My kids love any kind of pancake!
We let them measure, pour, and mix.
Around 8 years old, my daughter started flipping the pancakes. She is really started to be a good cook! My preschooler can’t wait until he is old enough to help on the stove!
Our trick – wait for the bubbles to come in the middle before flipping!
BONUS PANCAKE ACTIVITY try out some Pancake Math too with this game for Pancake Day.
More AWESOME Pancake Theme Ideas from the #PLAYfulPreschool Team!
- Beginning Sound Pancakes from Growing Book by Book
- Pancake Shape Toss by Rainy Day Mum
- Pancake Class Recipe Book by Fun-A-Day
- Pancake Counting and Addition Game by Mom Inspired Life
- Mini Muffin Tin Surprise Pancakes by Capri + 3
- Making Rainbow Pancakes by Still Playing School
- Pancake Store and other Pancake Theme Ideas by The Educators’ Spin On It
Natasha – they are soooo easy and these have been in our pretend kitchen for 6 years!!! The kids use them all the time =)
Thanks a lot Amanda. My preschooler sits next to me when I read and now I have to produce felt pancakes. Guess we're going to have pancake shop in here soon.
My daughter has just seen this over my shoulder and I have now got instructions to make it and set us up a Pancake shop by tomorrow morning
Your pancakes came out wonderfully. I love that you sewed on the syrup and butter. Our kids are really into playing store right now and would be thrilled to run (and shop at) a pancake store!
My son loves pretend play and I know he would absolutely love this! Great idea!
The felt pancakes are fantastic and look easy to make!