Getting kids excited about reading by hosting your own book launch party with friends. Here are a few ideas for hosting your own inspired by the Whatever After Series by Sarah Mlynowski.
A book launch party is usually held on the day of release or right before a brand-new book is available. Most often, an author hosts a book launch party to celebrate their accomplishments and share the news with family and friends.
We took “our spin” on the book launch party to get KIDS EXCITED ABOUT READING!!!!
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Book Launch Party for Whatever After Series by Sarah Mlynowski
My seven year old daughter and I read the first Whatever After Series book last year.
We enjoyed it so much, that she saved up her birthday money and art sale money to purchase the next two books from her Scholastic Book Orders.
Dream On (Whatever After #4) by Sarah Mlynowski
When we found out book #4 in the Whatever After was coming out in November, we were both giddy with excitement and anticipation. Then the magic happened.
We wrote to the author Sarah Mlynowski of our plans. We really wanted to host a book release or launch party as they call it in the literary world, with my daughter and her friends to celebrate reading and literacy.
We wanted to get these girls REALLY, REALLY excited about reading. We wanted to inspire them.
Sarah Mlynowski loved our idea and sent each girl their very own personalized, autographed copy of the book before the books reached the stores.
I received no compensation for this post and all thoughts, ideas, and opinions are my own.
Hosting The Book Launch Party
The invitations were sent.
R.S.V.P.’s were counted
Books, snacks, writing prompts, drinks, and activities were loaded in my car.
We were ready.
I had writing prompts set out on the tables for the kids to fill out and colorful markers setting next to the large sheets of paper.
- What is your favorite fairy tale character?
- If I lived in a castle, I would…
- What would your costume look like if you were in a fairy tale?
- If you were granted 1 magical wish, what would you wish for?
After writing the kids snacked on fruit and then…
a visit from one of the main characters in the book “Dream On” SLEEPING BEAUTY herself!!!
(I’m not sure I can ever top this book launch party!)
It was very magical! Sleeping Beauty snuggled up with the girls and their families and read the first chapter out loud to them. The girls were attentive to the story and did NOT want her to stop. They were all very excited to get their very own autographed copy and were eager to take their book home and keep reading.
(Mine wanted to read all through dinner and had devoured the entire book within 24 hours.)
Virtual Connections With Authors
Watching a video of an author interview can be a fun way for kids to connect with authors and also inspire future writers. We did something even more special…
Before the event my daughter met Sara Mlynowski virtually and had the opportunity to ask her questions about her writing and inspiration.
Mom’s Review of “Dream On” by Sarah Mlynowski
As a Mom, I appreciate that this series is written for a little bit stronger reader (grade 3-5) while still staying true to the morals and situations that I believe are kid-appropriate, aka no violence and kid issues, like owning your own cell phone. This book is great for a younger child that has advanced reading abilities, as a read-aloud, and for independent readers in the target age group. The main character Abby is kind-hearted and talks nicely to her younger sibling (well most of the time – in this book, she calls younger brothers annoying, which I think my daughter can relate too).
The main character is an independent, problem-solving, creative thinker. Accidentally, she ends up changing a classic fairy tale in an empowering way. In “Whatever After” the princess doesn’t have to marry the price to find happiness. I appreciate the little messages this book implies.
- One must make your own happiness.
- One must find happiness with what you have not what you think you need or want in the future.
- One does not need to find price charming, when a friend is right there.
- Even though little brothers may be annoying at times, they aren’t all that bad.
Seven Year Old’s Review of “Dream On.”
It was a good fairy tale. I really like how Sarah changed the routine of the story and let her friend Robin come in. Princess Bri is funny. Maybe next time Jonah will get to go into the mirror himself. The castle was different than I imagined too.
A special thank you to Capes and Tiaras for your contribution of Sleepy Beauty.
It was truly a fairy tale celebration of reading.
I believe that our goal of inspiring readers was achieved.
Now we can’t wait for book #5!
Visit Author Sarah Mlynowski’s Website
Whatever After Book Series
Whatever After is a New York Times bestselling series that follows the adventures of siblings Abby and Jonah, whose magic mirror leads them into different fairy tales, from Snow White to Rapunzel to the Little Mermaid.
In each fairy tale, Abby and Jonah accidentally mess up the story — and hilarity and hijinks ensue!
Here’s the whole collection of fantastic Whatever After books!
Thank you so very much Sarah Mlynowski for gifting these young readers with a copy of your brand new book. Here is a post about making and using Storytelling Seashells to go along with “Sink or Swim.” And a personal interview with Sarah Mlynowski about the Whatever After Series.
You may also enjoy these chapter book resources for your child…
- Magic Tree House Books and Activities
- Reading Fun with Humphrey Books Series
- Chapter Books and Activities for Girls
- Chapter Books and Activities for Nature and Adventure
Thanks Kristina.
It was a delightful event and I am so thankful for everyone who helped to make it possible! I hope that we were able to inspire readers!!!
What a fun event! I'm sure the girls loved it and how fun that there was a special guest!
Thank you so much Amanda for hosting this event, it truly was a magical experience. Loved the writing prompts you planned for the girls to do along with the guest Princess. Hopefully you've inspired many lifelong readers and writers. My daughter loved your hangout on air with Sarah too, thanks for including a few of her questions as well.