Learning to recognize your name as a child is such a magical experience! Here are 30 name activities for preschoolers or toddlers to get excited about the letters in their name.
Young children are highly interested in their own name and it’s the perfect place to start with letter recognition.

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Name Themed Activities
This week we’re featuring the theme NAMES for our Virtual Book Club for Kids! Click here to get the 5 Activities for this week!
We’ve selected five name themed activities for you and shared them in our VBC Newsletter. Have you signed up?
These name activities focus on helping your child learn about the alphabet, numbers, science, art and more!
Our featured Name book is Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes.
Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes
One of the best places to start when it comes to teaching young children how to read is to begin with their name. We’ve featured some additional books below that are our Favorite Name Themed Books too. But now I want you to take a look at the variety of name activities that I’ve put together for you to do with your child. They focus on all areas that your child should experience when learning the letters of their name.
Be sure to share a photo of your name activity fun in our Weekly Virtual Book Club for Kids Facebook Group!
Name Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers
Make this printable Owl Themed Name Game with your little one this fall.
Head into autumn by making a Leaf Puzzle Name Game
Get hands on with this upcycle Pool Noodle Name Game
Can you find the letters of your name in the ocean? Try out this Seashell Name Craft
Bring a little beach fun to this name writing in the sand activity.
Create your own name game with seashells for hours of fun with water play.
Have a little math fun with this Graphing Letters in your Name Activity
Head back to school with this hands on Pencil Name Activity
Zoom your way into name recognition with this cute Name Practice Activity with Toy Cars. *
Can you see it? Explore a special type of letters for this Invisible Letter Sensory Bin.*
Create an indoor maze by following this string indoor scavenger hunt for the letter of your name.*
Make an adorable caterpillar name with the letters of your name and recycled lids! *
Name tracing worksheets that give your child practice with handwriting, name recognition, and even beginning phonics.
Create your own pumpkin craft for fall with this adorable Pumpkin Seed Name Activity.
Create your Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Name Tree with letter stamps!
Grab your hot glue to create this Sensory Name Recognition Activity your child will love to create.
Zoom to outer space by creating your own name rocket.
Add a little science twist and create your name by growing your own Crystal Names. *
Create a keepsake name art with this colorful String Letter Name Craft . *
Personalize your name with this adorable Painted Name Art . *
Have a little art fun with your initial with this Name Art Activity and Game.
Roll the dice and make your own name with this Name Cube Game .
Explore with your hands and ABC Pasta in this sensory bin name activity.
Make your letters POP by making this Paint Resist Name Art.
Get a little frozen with this pretend snow alphabet letter sensory bin to make your name.
Pull out the paint and medicine dropper for a colorful Drip Painting Rainbow Names Craft*
Or grab some dry cereal to create this Name Sensory Bin with Magnetic letters.*
Create your name with a little movement using this alphabet zoom zip-line game.*
Get a little spooky by making these adorable Monster Name Craft *
Learn to make a rainbow while spelling your name with a colorful rainbow name activity .
Head into the kitchen to back your own name in letter cookies!
Create your own edible playdough letter name with ABC Stamps or Cookie cutters and a tasty treat at the end.
*Indicates Activities in featured photos
Children’s Books about Names
Our name is so important to us. It’s one of the first words we learn as a baby and learn to recognize in print. It connects us with others as we learn their names and where they got their name from. Take time to talk with your child about their name and why it was chosen for them.
Here are some of my favorite Name Books for Kids
- Alma and How She Got Her Name
- The Name Jar
- My Name Is Yoon
- My Name Is Not Isabella: Just How Big Can a Little Girl Dream?
- A, My Name Is Alice (Picture Puffin Books)
- My Name Is Elizabeth!
- The Change Your Name Store
- Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten
- Your Name Is a Song
- Andy, That’s My Name
- Chrysanthemum
Here are a few activities that you may also enjoy…
Get our Virtual Book Club book List for the new school year by signing up for our Newsletter.
Have a name themed Activity? Come share about it in our Weekly Virtual Book Club for Kids Facebook Group!