Many city residents do not have access to a park or natural area and the spaces that are available are disappearing – fast! As a backyard gardener and HUGE advocate for getting children outside exploring their world, I am excited to partner with Trust for Public Land on their #OurLand project, helping to share our reasons and encourage others to make use of our public outdoor spaces!
This post is Sponsored by MomDot Media and The Trust for Public Land. All Opinions are 100% my own. This is a topic near and dear to my heart and I am excited to work on this campaign.
Visit Local Public Parks and Natural Spaces
My family makes use of our local public spaces quite often. We average 2 visits to our local parks each week and attempt to make at least one of those parks a walking park.
Our young children hike for several miles with us (AND ENJOY IT!) As parents, we feel that it is important for our kids to be outdoors, active, and exploring their world. These experiences are healthy for the mind and the body.
I love parks that allow our children to explore, discover and play!
The Trust for Public Land is an organization whose mission it is to create and protect parks and other natural places, right in your own backyard. “The Trust for Public Land creates parks and protects land for people, ensuring healthy, livable communities for generations to come. We protect the places people care about and create close-to-home parks—particularly in and near cities, where 80% of Americans live.”
Are you a PLAY park or WALKING park kind-of family?
Connect with Like-Minded Families Advocate for Public Parks and Natural Spaces #OurLand
You can help The Trust for Public Land as they work with communities nationwide to save the places people love—from neighborhood playgrounds to vast wilderness. Share your story and join the movement to protect #OurLand—now and for generations to come.
Being Outdoors and Having Local Parks MATTERS! We all need a place to run like antelopes, a place to climb like monkeys, a place to gallop like a horse, a place to jump like a kangaroo, a place to twirl like a bird, a place to leap like a jaguar, a place to tiptoe like mice, a place to dance like a peacock, a place to fly like an owl, a place to be anything we want to be!
For MORE Outdoor Spaces Articles Here at The Educators’ Spin On It:
- Hiking with Kids
- Drop Everything and Swing
- Party for the Planet – 10 Earth Day Activities
- 100 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day Every Day with Kids
- Baby Time: Take a Bird Walk
- Top 10 Reasons I Love Watching My Children Learn About the Earth
- Creating an edible sensory garden for children with herbs
- AND, stop by here for our 50+ articles on Gardening with Children
Now it’s YOUR turn to share your open spaces!
Visit you local park with your family, snap a shot, and share it on social media with the hashtag #OurLand and the reason why this space is so special to you!
Here are some additional activity ideas to get your family outdoors…
The mission of the Trust for Public Land is so important. My family probably spends more time outdoors than not. It's what keeps us sane and healthy and I cannot even fathom what would happen if we lost that part of our lives….