Packages are in the mail and arriving on doorsteps all over the US and UK as part of our Summer LOVE BOOKS Exchange ! As they are being received they are sharing the Book and Activities that were sent to them for the Summer LOVE BOOKS Exchange.
Here’s are a few of our participants just to give you a sample of the FUN that’s happening with READING during the SUMMER. We invite you to check out what they received in their BOX.
What’s inside the boxes?
Make, Do, & Friend from Taming the Gobling |
Make, Do, & Friend shared their experience with making Gingerbread Bears and an adorable puppet to go along with the story Biscuit Bear by Mini Grey.
Taming the Goblin is sharing some tips for Potty Training stages by decorating their own pants to go along with the story Dinosaurs Wear Underpants by Claire Freedmon. A big hit for any child!
Growing Book By Book shares their experience with a cereal box, a truck and some adorable animals to go along with the story Little Blue Truck by Alice Schetle and Jill McElmurry .
The Vincent Family shares some red, white and blue fun with flags and names to go along with teh story Stars and Stipes by Salinal Yoon.
No Doubt Learning from Toddler Approved |
No Doubt Learning shared their experience making treasured items such as a blanket or a special person through some creative ways to go along with the story Owen by Kevin Henkes
Enchanted Homeschooling Mom from Creekside Learning |
Enchanted Homeschooling Mom shares their experience making their very own tree inspired by The Giving Tree by Shil Silverstein.
I’m really enjoying READING all of this experiences in the LOVE BOOKS Exchange. I love to see the EXCITEMENT in their children’s faces as they discover the FUN you can have with a BOOK! I wonder which packages will arrive NEXT? Check back for MORE all SUMMER long!
Ready to start your own Love Books Activities? Here’s are the books from Amazon!
A big thank you to:
Make, Do, & Friend, Taming the Goblin, Growing Book By Book, The Vincent Family, No Doubt Learning, & Enchanted Homeschooling Mom
for sharing your LOVE BOOKS Experience! Here are a few more books and activities! Can’t wait to see what the others share in JULY.
Particiapting Blogs
Adventures in Reading with Kids; Among Many Blessings; B-Inspired Mama; Creekside Learning; Domestic Goddesque; Play Dr. Mom; Enchanted Homeschool Mom; Growing Book by Book; Having Fun at Chelle’s House; Here Come the Girls; I Can Do That So Can You; Make Do and Friend; Mommy and Me Bookclub ; My Cup Runs Over; No Doubt Learning; Taming the Goblin; 3 Readers; The New Vincent Family; Toddler Approved: The Educators’ Spin On It
Share on our LOVE BOOKS Page, Comments Below or FACEBOOK Page.
I echo Rebecca: loving the creativity. My post is ready:
It's brilliant to finally see what everyone has got up to. What wonderful ideas.