April is a time for change and exploring our world with your child. This is a collection of April Activities for Kids to enjoy after school. Plus we’ve included a free April activity calendar just for you!
Get started exploring the changes in April by going on one of our Spring Virtual Field Trips!
April Activities for Kids
April is such a fun time of year when you’re with kids. There are so many changes to explore with them in nature. From the trees growing new leaves and blooming flowers to the changes in weather and baby animals and more, the change in season can be found all around us.
This collection of April Activities is packed full of these special events to learn about with your child.
Explore our 60+ Spring Activities for kids!
Spring Flower Activities for Kids
The quickest way to notice spring is here is by all the flowers you start to see blooming on the trees and popping up as wildflowers in the fields. The bulbs start to emerge and this is such a magical time of year for children.
Here’s a collection of flower themed activities for you to explore together this spring.
- 10 Flowers to Grow with Kids
- Spiral Paper Flowers Craft Tutorial
- Garden Art with Flowers
- DIY Flower Bouquet with Paper Art
- Hanging Flower Window Art Craft
- Simple Flower Activities for Kids
- Painted Cinderblock Flower Planter
- LEGO Garden Art
- Sunflower Art Gallery Prints
- Florist Playdate Idea
- Playdough Number Flower Game
- Flowers for Butterfly Garden
- The Tiny Seed Activity
- Flower Rangoli Design for Kids
- Dragon Vase Flower Painting with Kids
Read a Flower Book
Outdoor Spring Activities for kids
As the weather begins to warm up, you can feel yourself being pulled outside more and more. Here’s a collection of outdoor activities this spring to enjoy together.
- Spring Journal
- Flower Scavenger Hunt for Spring
- Spring Outdoor Activities for Kids
- Create a Butterfly Garden
- Backyard Activities for Kids to Get Outside
- Set up Bird Watching Station
- Sidewalk Chalk Activities for Kids
- Ball Games Your Kids Will Love
Read a Spring Book
Easter Activities for Kids
Here’s a collection of Easter Activities, for the times when it falls in April. From eggs to bunnies here are some creative ways to celebrate Easter with after school activities.
- Spring STEM Activities for Kids
- Decorating Ukrainian Easter Egg with Kids
- 12 Easter STEM Activities
- Create Bunny Stamp Art Project
- Play Bunny Math Game
- Bunny Themed Sidewalk Chalk Game
- Easter Egg Paper Wreath
- Raising Chicks in Your Child’s Classroom
- Create Bunny Headband
- Cream Cheese Sprinkle Easter Cookies
- Healthy Easter Egg Snack
- Make an Easter Snack
- Bunny Bread Recipes for Kids
Read an Easter Book
Want more Easter ideas? Explore these 40+ Easter Activities for Kids!
Spring Gardening Activities for Kids
As the weather begins to warm up, it’s the perfect time to start learning about gardening with your child. Here are a few ideas to get you started! They work for either inside your home or outside making a kid friendly garden together this growing season.
- Easy Seed Germination Experiment
- Best Flowers to Grow with Kids
- Best Vegetables to Grow with Kids
- Seed Sorting Activity
- Grow Romaine Lettuce Experiment
- Planning a Garden with Kids
- Painted Cinder Block Planters
- Backyard Tips for Gardening with Kids
- The Carrot Seed Activities
- Growing Carrots with Kids
- April Gardening Ideas
Read a Garden Book
Want more ideas for learning about plants? Try this collection of Gardening Activities for Kids!
Earth Day Activities
Two special events that happen each April are Earth Day and Arbor Day. Take time this month to discuss these days with your child and see how you can connect with your local events to make an impact.
- Go on a Spring Virtual Field Trip
- Earth Day Activities
- Earth Art Project
- Earth Day Chalk Activity
- Make Earth Day Snack
Read an Earth Day Book
Insect Activities for Kids
Insects seem to come to life in spring as the warmer weather approaches. It’s time for some science with these insect themed activities for kids.
- Caterpillar to Butterfly Balloon STEM Challenge
- Butterfly Recycled Art Project
- Butterfly Books for Kids
- LEGO Inspired Story Retelling of The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- Monarch Science
- The Very Quiet Cricket Activity
- Ladybug Craft
- Ladybug Science and Books
- Honey Bee Craft
- Raise a Praying Mantis
Weather Themed Activities
You’ve heard the phrase “April showers bring May Flowers“. Depending on where you live, there can be quite a few rainstorms during this season. Here are a few fun ideas to learn about weather.
- Rain Writing Activity
- Drip Painting Rainbow Name
- Create Rainbow Seashells
- Sun Themed Activities
- Play Cloud Sight Word Game
- Solar Power Science Experiments
Read a Rainbow Book
April Books for Kids
This is an awesome collection of April Books to go along with these April Activities for your child to read at home after school.
The book images are linked to Amazon Affiliate Program for your convenience, as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Take a look at our complete list of April Books for Kids.
There you have it. A month packed full of ideas for your child to do after school this April. Plus several hand picked books to extend with activities. Which one will you try first?
Want more book suggestions? Explore our picks of the best spring books for kids!
Be sure to download our free monthly activity guide for April. We’ve done all the planning so you can have fun with your child with these activity ideas.
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